How to carry the login information and/or IE browser cache to Windows Media Player?

(I apologize that the screen captures are in Traditional Chinese, as I reside in Hong Kong...)

For example, I have a video in the following URL, which requires basic authentication (login) to access.


For your testing purpose, the username is "test", and the password is "today!234".

URL that requires authentication

Using IE to open the above URL, then you can see that there is a video "life.wmv".

After login, one can see a video

The problem is that, when I click on the video link "life.wmv", it opens the WMV in the Windows Media Player, and then WMP asks me the credential information again.

However, when I click in IE, WMP pops up and ask the login info again!

Is WMP using the IE cache and/or session? If these information can be shared between IE and WMP. They should not ask me the login information again.

I look forward to your generous assistance. Thank you very much.

  • Have you tried adding the website to your local intranet zone. This question has some similar issues. Commented May 16, 2016 at 4:30
  • Thank you for your information. Have just tried to add the site to local intranet zone. Unfortunately, everything remains the same.
    – T W Lai
    Commented May 16, 2016 at 7:47

1 Answer 1


Theoretically prefixing the user name and password to the URL and loading it as a stream in Windows Media Player should have worked but, like you, it asked for credentials again. However, Open Network Stream in VLC behaved as expected using http://test:[email protected]:8080/tmp/test/life.wmv

Do not know what's up with WMP. Hope this approach can lead you in the right direction to a solution.

edit: additional - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/816089

Windows Media Player 9 Series Prompts User for Credentials with NTLM Authenticated Proxy

  • Nice find, can you just confirm that installing the fix from the KB resolved the issue?
    – Burgi
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 7:43
  • No, I am sorry. Usually I would know for certain before I make comment but this is Microsoft! What works for me may not work for you. Also, I do not want to contaminate my Windows 7 with all the tweaks WMP does to everything and never ever start it.
    – Colin Fiat
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 14:38

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