Actually I have an Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS server, but i need another server (windows server).

I know is possible to run them at the same time on the same machine, but i don't know how.

Any hint?

Is it possible to do this task without destroy the current server and do it all from ssh ?

Thank you

  • Why would you want this setup?
    – Randell
    Commented Dec 30, 2009 at 4:21

3 Answers 3


Yes, you can set up a Windows Server virtual machine in Linux. VirtualBox can get you up and running free, assuming you've already attained a Windows license for Windows Server.

Is it possible to do this task without destroy the current server

Of Course!

and do it all from ssh ?

Not easily. Remote access with VNC (or a similar remote desktop program) will make it a lot easier.


You should be able to install VMWare or another virtualization product, and Windows on top of that.


Ubuntu should come with Xen utilities. Install from Synaptic or aptitude.

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