I have some .mp4 files. Recently they don't work anymore. No matter which players and codec packs I use, the files show as corrupt, damaged, can't render etc.

I've also tried using MediaInfo to extract information from the files but it doesn't show anything.

Is there any possible way to repair them?

SMPlayer Log

[08:53:56:569] BaseGui::fileOpen
[08:53:58:409] BaseGui::openFile: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:410] Core::openFile: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:410] Core::playNewFile: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:410] Core::saveMediaInfo
[08:53:58:410] FileSettingsHash::existSettingsFor: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:412] FileSettingsHash::existSettingsFor: config_file: 'C:/Users/Hamed/.smplayer/file_settings/0/0396255eb8d37a72.ini'
[08:53:58:412] Core::playNewFile: We have settings for this file!!!
[08:53:58:412] FileSettings::loadSettingsFor: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:415] FileSettingsHash::loadSettingsFor: config_file: 'C:/Users/Hamed/.smplayer/file_settings/0/0396255eb8d37a72.ini'
[08:53:58:416] MediaSettings::load
[08:53:58:416] Core::playNewFile: Media settings read
[08:53:58:416] Core::playNewFile: volume: 40, old_volume: 40
[08:53:58:416] Core::initPlaying
[08:53:58:416] Core::startMplayer
[08:53:58:416] Core::startMplayer: setting working directory to 'C:/Users/Hamed/.smplayer/screenshots'
[08:53:58:417] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 27667 with 30369
[08:53:58:417] Core::startMplayer: priority of smplayer process set to 128
[08:53:58:417] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 27872 with 30369
[08:53:58:418] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 24924 with 30369
[08:53:58:418] Core::startMplayer: file basename: 'C:/Users/Hamed/Desktop/1'
[08:53:58:418] Core::startMplayer: edl file: ''
[08:53:58:418] MplayerLayer::playingStarted
[08:53:58:418] Screen::playingStarted
[08:53:58:418] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 1
[08:53:58:418] Screen::playingStarted
[08:53:58:418] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 1
[08:53:58:419] Core::startMplayer: command: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer.exe -noquiet -nofs -nomouseinput -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo direct3d, -nokeepaspect -priority abovenormal -framedrop -nodr -double -wid 656922 -colorkey 0x020202 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-line-spacing 0 -ass-font-scale 1 -ass-styles C:/Users/Hamed/.smplayer/styles.ass -fontconfig -font Arial -subfont-autoscale 0 -subfont-osd-scale 20 -subfont-text-scale 20 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -subpos 100 -volume 50 -nocache -osdlevel 0 -vf-add screenshot -slices -channels 2 -af scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max 110 D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:442] Playlist::setModified: 0
[08:53:58:442] Playlist::addFiles
[08:53:58:442] Playlist::addItem: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:442] Playlist::updateView
[08:53:58:443] Playlist::updateView: name: 'v_end.mp4'
[08:53:58:443] Playlist::addFiles: latest_dir: 'C:/Users/Hamed/Desktop'
[08:53:58:529] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'MPlayer Sherpya-SVN-r30369-4.2.5 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team'
[08:53:58:531] MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: MPlayer SVN revision found: 30369
[08:53:58:531] MplayerProcess::parseLine: MPlayer SVN: 30369
[08:53:58:534] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Setting process priority: abovenormal'
[08:53:58:534] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[08:53:58:534] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Playing D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4.'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Seek failed'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Exiting... (End of file)'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: detected end of file
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'ID_EXIT=EOF'
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: detected end of file
[08:54:00:912] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:54:00:913] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:54:00:913] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:54:00:913] MyProcess::procFinished
[08:54:00:913] MyProcess::procFinished: Bytes available: 0
[08:54:00:913] MplayerProcess::processFinished: exitCode: 0, status: 0
[08:54:00:913] MplayerLayer::playingStopped
[08:54:00:913] Screen::playingStopped
[08:54:00:913] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[08:54:00:913] Screen::playingStopped
[08:54:00:913] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[08:54:00:914] Core::finishRestart: --- start ---
[08:54:00:914] Core::newMediaPlaying: --- start ---
[08:54:00:914] Core::initializeMenus
[08:54:00:914] BaseGui::initializeMenus
[08:54:00:914] MediaData::list
[08:54:00:914]   filename: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:54:00:914]   duration: 0.000000
[08:54:00:914]   video_width: 0
[08:54:00:914]   video_height: 0
[08:54:00:914]   video_aspect: 1.333333
[08:54:00:914]   type: 0
[08:54:00:914]   novideo: 0
[08:54:00:914]   dvd_id: ''
[08:54:00:914]   initialized: 1
[08:54:00:914]   chapters: 0
[08:54:00:914]   Subs:
[08:54:00:914]   Programs:
[08:54:00:914]   Videos:
[08:54:00:914]   Audios:
[08:54:00:914]   Titles:
[08:54:00:914]   demuxer: ''
[08:54:00:914]   video_format: ''
[08:54:00:914]   audio_format: ''
[08:54:00:914]   video_bitrate: 0
[08:54:00:914]   video_fps: ''
[08:54:00:914]   audio_bitrate: 0
[08:54:00:914]   audio_rate: 0
[08:54:00:914]   audio_nch: 0
[08:54:00:914]   video_codec: ''
[08:54:00:914]   audio_codec: ''
[08:54:00:914] MediaSettings::list
[08:54:00:914]   current_sec: 0.000000
[08:54:00:914]   current_sub_id: -1000
[08:54:00:914]   current_program_id: -1000
[08:54:00:914]   current_video_id: -1000
[08:54:00:914]   current_audio_id: -1000
[08:54:00:914]   current_title_id: -1000
[08:54:00:915]   current_chapter_id: 0
[08:54:00:915]   current_angle_id: -1000
[08:54:00:915]   aspect_ratio_id: 1
[08:54:00:915]   volume: 40
[08:54:00:915]   mute: 0
[08:54:00:915]   external_subtitles: ''
[08:54:00:915]   external_audio: ''
[08:54:00:915]   sub_delay: 0
[08:54:00:915]   audio_delay: 0
[08:54:00:915]   sub_pos: 100
[08:54:00:915]   sub_scale: 5.000000
[08:54:00:915]   sub_scale_ass: 1.000000
[08:54:00:915]   brightness: 0
[08:54:00:915]   contrast: 0
[08:54:00:915]   gamma: 0
[08:54:00:915]   hue: 0
[08:54:00:915]   saturation: 0
[08:54:00:915]   speed: 1.000000
[08:54:00:915]   phase_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   current_denoiser: 0
[08:54:00:915]   deblock_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   dering_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   noise_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   postprocessing_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   upscaling_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   current_deinterlacer: 0
[08:54:00:915]   add_letterbox: 0
[08:54:00:915]   karaoke_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   extrastereo_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   volnorm_filter: 0
[08:54:00:915]   audio_use_channels: 2
[08:54:00:915]   stereo_mode: 0
[08:54:00:915]   zoom_factor: 1.000000
[08:54:00:915]   rotate: -1
[08:54:00:915]   flip: 0
[08:54:00:915]   mirror: 0
[08:54:00:915]   loop: 0
[08:54:00:915]   A_marker: -1
[08:54:00:915]   B_marker: -1
[08:54:00:915]   forced_demuxer: ''
[08:54:00:915]   forced_video_codec: ''
[08:54:00:915]   forced_audio_codec: ''
[08:54:00:915]   original_demuxer: ''
[08:54:00:915]   original_video_codec: ''
[08:54:00:915]   original_audio_codec: ''
[08:54:00:915]   mplayer_additional_options: ''
[08:54:00:915]   mplayer_additional_video_filters: ''
[08:54:00:915]   mplayer_additional_audio_filters: ''
[08:54:00:915]   win_width: 400
[08:54:00:915]   win_height: 300
[08:54:00:916]   win_aspect(): 1.333333
[08:54:00:916]   starting_time: -1.000000
[08:54:00:916]   is264andHD: 0
[08:54:00:916] Core::newMediaPlaying: --- end ---
[08:54:00:916] BaseGui::enterFullscreenOnPlay: arg_start_in_fullscreen: -1, pref->start_in_fullscreen: 0
[08:54:00:916] Core::changeAspectRatio: 1
[08:54:00:916] Core::displayMessage
[08:54:00:916] Core::setVolume: 50
[08:54:00:916] Core::tellmp: 'volume 50 1'
[08:54:00:916] WARNING:  tellmp: no process running: volume 50 1
[08:54:00:916] Core::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:916] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:916] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:916] Core::displayMessage
[08:54:00:917] Core::changeZoom: 1.000000
[08:54:00:917] Core::displayMessage
[08:54:00:918] Core::changeSubVisilibity: 1
[08:54:00:918] Core::tellmp: 'sub_visibility 1'
[08:54:00:918] WARNING:  tellmp: no process running: sub_visibility 1
[08:54:00:918] Core::displayMessage
[08:54:00:918] DefaultGui::enableActionsOnPlaying
[08:54:00:918] BaseGui::enableActionsOnPlaying
[08:54:00:920] BaseGui::autosaveMplayerLog
[08:54:00:920] Playlist:: getMediaInfo
[08:54:00:920] Playlist::updateView
[08:54:00:920] Playlist::updateView: name: 'v_end.mp4'
[08:54:00:920] BaseGuiPlus::updateMediaInfo
[08:54:00:920] BaseGui::updateMediaInfo
[08:54:00:921] Core::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:921] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:921] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:921] Core::finishRestart: --- end ---
[08:54:00:921] Core::processFinished
[08:54:00:921] Core::processFinished: we_are_restarting: 0
[08:54:00:921] Core::processFinished: play has finished!
[08:54:00:921] Core::processFinished: exit_code: 0
[08:54:00:921] Core::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:921] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:921] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[08:54:00:921] DefaultGui::disableActionsOnStop
[08:54:00:921] BaseGui::disableActionsOnStop
[08:54:00:922] BaseGui::newMediaLoaded
[08:54:00:922] Recents::addItem: 'D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:54:00:922] BaseGui::updateRecents
[08:54:00:922] BaseGui::checkPendingActionsToRun
[08:54:00:922] Core::checkIfVideoIsHD
[08:54:00:923] Playlist::playNext
[08:54:00:923] Playlist::updateView
[08:54:00:923] Playlist::updateView: name: 'v_end.mp4'
[08:54:00:923] Playlist::playItem: 1 (count:1)
[08:54:00:923] Playlist::playItem: out of range
[08:54:00:923] BaseGui::playlistHasFinished
[08:54:00:923] BaseGui::playlistHasFinished: arg_close_on_finish: -1, pref->close_on_finish: 0
[08:54:03:127] Core::changeOSD: 1
[08:54:03:127] Core::pausing_prefix
[08:54:03:127] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 27665 with 30369
[08:54:03:127] Core::tellmp: 'pausing_keep_force osd 1'
[08:54:03:127] WARNING:  tellmp: no process running: pausing_keep_force osd 1
[08:54:03:127] Core::updateWidgets
[08:54:03:127] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[08:54:03:127] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[08:55:28:446] MplayerWindow::mouseReleaseEvent
[08:55:28:446] BaseGui::leftClickFunction
[08:55:28:446] BaseGui::processFunction: 'dvdnav_mouse'
[08:55:28:446] BaseGui::processFunction: action found
[08:55:28:446] Core::dvdnavMouse
[08:55:33:987] Core::play
[08:55:33:987] Core::initPlaying
[08:55:33:987] Core::startMplayer
[08:55:33:988] Core::startMplayer: setting working directory to 'C:/Users/Hamed/.smplayer/screenshots'
[08:55:33:988] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 27667 with 30369
[08:55:33:988] Core::startMplayer: priority of smplayer process set to 128
[08:55:33:989] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 27872 with 30369
[08:55:33:989] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 24924 with 30369
[08:55:33:989] Core::startMplayer: file basename: 'C:/Users/Hamed/Desktop/1'
[08:55:33:989] Core::startMplayer: edl file: ''
[08:55:33:989] MplayerLayer::playingStarted
[08:55:33:990] Screen::playingStarted
[08:55:33:990] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 1
[08:55:33:990] Screen::playingStarted
[08:55:33:990] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 1
[08:55:33:990] Core::startMplayer: command: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/SMPlayer/mplayer/mplayer.exe -noquiet -nofs -nomouseinput -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo direct3d, -nokeepaspect -priority abovenormal -framedrop -nodr -double -wid 656922 -colorkey 0x020202 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-line-spacing 0 -ass-font-scale 1 -ass-styles C:/Users/Hamed/.smplayer/styles.ass -fontconfig -font Arial -subfont-autoscale 0 -subfont-osd-scale 20 -subfont-text-scale 20 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -subpos 100 -volume 50 -nocache -osdlevel 0 -vf-add screenshot -slices -channels 2 -af scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max 110 D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4'
[08:55:34:103] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'MPlayer Sherpya-SVN-r30369-4.2.5 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team'
[08:55:34:103] MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: MPlayer SVN revision found: 30369
[08:55:34:103] MplayerProcess::parseLine: MPlayer SVN: 30369
[08:55:34:103] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Setting process priority: abovenormal'
[08:55:34:103] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[08:55:34:103] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Playing D:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4.'
[08:55:36:398] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:55:36:398] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:55:36:398] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:55:36:398] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:55:36:398] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Seek failed'
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'Exiting... (End of file)'
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: detected end of file
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'ID_EXIT=EOF'
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: detected end of file
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'iconv: conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 unsupported'
[08:55:36:457] MyProcess::procFinished
[08:55:36:457] MyProcess::procFinished: Bytes available: 0
[08:55:36:457] MplayerProcess::processFinished: exitCode: 0, status: 0
[08:55:36:457] MplayerLayer::playingStopped
[08:55:36:458] Screen::playingStopped
[08:55:36:458] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[08:55:36:458] Screen::playingStopped
[08:55:36:458] Screen::setAutoHideCursor: 0
[08:55:36:458] Core::finishRestart: --- start ---
[08:55:36:458] Core::changeAspectRatio: 1
[08:55:36:458] Core::displayMessage
[08:55:36:458] Core::setVolume: 50
[08:55:36:458] Core::tellmp: 'volume 50 1'
[08:55:36:458] WARNING:  tellmp: no process running: volume 50 1
[08:55:36:458] Core::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:458] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:458] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:459] Core::displayMessage
[08:55:36:459] Core::changeZoom: 1.000000
[08:55:36:459] Core::displayMessage
[08:55:36:460] Core::changeSubVisilibity: 1
[08:55:36:460] Core::tellmp: 'sub_visibility 1'
[08:55:36:460] WARNING:  tellmp: no process running: sub_visibility 1
[08:55:36:460] Core::displayMessage
[08:55:36:460] DefaultGui::enableActionsOnPlaying
[08:55:36:460] BaseGui::enableActionsOnPlaying
[08:55:36:461] BaseGui::autosaveMplayerLog
[08:55:36:461] Playlist:: getMediaInfo
[08:55:36:461] Playlist::updateView
[08:55:36:461] Playlist::updateView: name: 'v_end.mp4'
[08:55:36:462] BaseGuiPlus::updateMediaInfo
[08:55:36:462] BaseGui::updateMediaInfo
[08:55:36:462] Core::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:462] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:462] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:462] Core::finishRestart: --- end ---
[08:55:36:462] Core::processFinished
[08:55:36:462] Core::processFinished: we_are_restarting: 0
[08:55:36:462] Core::processFinished: play has finished!
[08:55:36:462] Core::processFinished: exit_code: 0
[08:55:36:462] Core::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:462] DefaultGui::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:462] BaseGui::updateWidgets
[08:55:36:462] DefaultGui::disableActionsOnStop
[08:55:36:462] BaseGui::disableActionsOnStop
[08:55:36:463] Core::checkIfVideoIsHD
[08:55:36:463] Playlist::playNext
[08:55:36:463] Playlist::updateView
[08:55:36:463] Playlist::updateView: name: 'v_end.mp4'
[08:55:36:463] Playlist::playItem: 1 (count:1)
[08:55:36:464] Playlist::playItem: out of range
[08:55:36:464] BaseGui::playlistHasFinished
[08:55:36:464] BaseGui::playlistHasFinished: arg_close_on_finish: -1, pref->close_on_finish: 0
[08:55:38:655] Core::changeOSD: 1
[08:55:38:655] Core::pausing_prefix
[08:55:38:655] MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast: comparing 27665 with 30369
[08:55:38:655] Core::tellmp: 'pausing_keep_force osd 1'
[08:55:38:655] WARNING:  tellmp: no process running: pausing_keep_force osd 1
  • Why don't they work anymore, all of a sudden? Files don't really "go bad" for no reason. What exactly does MediaInfo Tools show? Maybe try Video Repair Tool
    – slhck
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 8:42
  • 1
    @slhck yes it's strange , i think it's cause of some hdd failure which i recently experienced , MediaInfo shows only name and size of movie nothing more :/ , YES i tried Video Repair Tools but movdump.exe gives an error "Not Responding" then it's giving a 0 byte file as repaired
    – Synxmax
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 8:46
  • @Synxmax Size, like in Bytes or length? Name, like the filename or some title embedded into the movie?
    – slhck
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 8:47
  • @slhck mediainfo give me this Complete name : d:\Summer_2010\v_end.mp4 File size : 128 MiB
    – Synxmax
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 8:52
  • Hmm, I guess now you really have a problem. If the tools aren't able to find anything, your file probably has some major errors.
    – slhck
    Commented Jun 13, 2011 at 10:10

1 Answer 1


Will the files play on another PC? If not, your hard drive crash damaged them, and they may well be unfixable. One thing I've done in the past is use mencoder or a similar package to convert the damaged file to AVI. This at least recovers the undamaged portion.

  • No use :( , I added SMPlayer Log
    – Synxmax
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 4:33
  • What was no use? Did you try playing on another PC or using mencoder?
    – CarlF
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 12:26
  • ye i tried different PCs , i followed that link and there is a player named smPlayer i added log of smPlayer to my question !
    – Synxmax
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 13:04
  • Right, but I recommended mencoder ... however, as I said in my comment on your question, I think you will need to find those videos again. Unless disk recovery tools work for you, they're gone forever.
    – CarlF
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 14:59
  • Use mencoder how?
    – Ken Sharp
    Commented Apr 15, 2017 at 21:05

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