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10 votes

How to bind an Ethereum H160 address with a Substrate H256 address?

H160 has a few flavors that you might pursue in the context of a Substrate chain: If you are looking to map H160 Ethereum addresses to, say, SR25519 that is most common in Substrate chains, it is ...
Nuke's user avatar
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8 votes

Frontier-node-template compilation error on Windows

This error normally comes in windows. As Native development of substrate is not very well supported in windows so you will face errors now and then. But there is a permanent solution for the same. As ...
Ajit's user avatar
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5 votes

Where can I find frontier evm precompile documentation?

There is documentation by moonbeam few more links that may help you
Pankaj's user avatar
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5 votes

Private key for EVM Frontier

IIUC, these are two different crypto systems. The public key works. But it doesn't mean anything. You can even make a transfer to 0x12345.... But you don't know its private key. You need to generate ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
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4 votes

Existential deposit in EVM compatible address

It is up to each individual chain to decide. By default, EVM uses pallet-balances to handle native token, so the same ED rule applies. It is possible to configure the pallets to use other pallets to ...
Bryan Chen's user avatar
4 votes

How to upgrade Frontier to use a specific Substrate version

For now, the recommended path is to use a stable release branch from the frontier repo. As of time of writing this, it is polkadot-v0.9.22:
Bruno's user avatar
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4 votes

Private key for EVM Frontier

my question is how I calculate the ETH private key of this account? There is no way to do that =/ The most important thing to note here is that the mnemonic: worth wrestle meat ecology merry ginger ...
Artur Gontijo's user avatar
3 votes

Pallet declares internal migrations (which *might* execute). On-chain `StorageVersion(0)` vs current storage version `StorageVersion(0)`

Whenever a runtime upgrade happens, if the runtime contains some pallet that implements on_runtime_upgrade (like ethereum pallet does), these warnings will show up. These warnings can be safely ...
Bernardo Rodrigues's user avatar
3 votes

unresolved import sc_rpc::Metadata

In a newer release of the sc-rpc, the Metadata struct was removed. Unfortunately, fc-rpc (Frontier's rpc pallet) is not yet compatible with this change. The simplest fix right now is to run cargo ...
Peter - R0GUE's user avatar
3 votes

Ethereum chain as a Substrate chain

Besides what has already been said, there was indeed a related thought experiment in the past exploring the flexibility of Substrate framework. We know Ethereum block structures vs Polkadot/Substrate ...
sorpaas's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I make a frontier node only accept json-rpc read methods?

If you want to do it inside the node, you will need to override some of frontiers RPC handlers. For example, you can see the EthApi implementation here:
JoshOrndorff's user avatar
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3 votes

Implementing min gas fee for pallet_evm

To activate and set the BaseFee in your Frontier-based chain, you can simply change these runtime parameters: frame_support::parameter_types! { pub IsActive: bool = true; pub ...
afm's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to run moonbeam/Astar as a standalone network

It's possible. In this case, your network will have to run (and use) its own finality gadget (rather than that of the relay chain). You can implement the GRANDPA pallet in your network for block ...
Abdulbee's user avatar
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3 votes

Explorer for Substrate-based EVM chains

Yes, there is an open source indexer and explorer called Blockscout, which is fairly user-friendly. You can use for your Substrate-based EVM chain. Here are some examples of its usage by Moonbeam ...
afm's user avatar
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3 votes

Private key for EVM Frontier

Thanks to AurevoirXavier and Artur for the responses, as they explained to sign and send Ethereum Transactions using a Substrate Account has to be done via the EVM pallet. I just want to add here the ...
Alex Bean's user avatar
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3 votes

How to change evm token decimals?

You should, and I recommend changing your native token decimals. Otherwise, you need a converter. Then, I have a question. Why do you need EVM? This will break almost every existing thing (such as ...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
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3 votes

Moonbeam #[precompile] procedural macro and Rust generics compilation error

This is the case described here in the docs: It is because the macro ...
nanocryk's user avatar
2 votes

How does 'into_account_id' function of pallet_evm works?

why did I change the AddressMapping of pallet_evm the EVM account balance dropped to 0 This AddressMapping uses to do conversation from H160 to substrate chain AccountId. Note the EVM account ...
boundless-forest's user avatar
2 votes

trait bound `H256: TypeInfo` is not satisfied; `TypeInfo` is not implemented for `H256, H160, H64, ethereum_types::U256`

This looks like mismatching versions. cargo tree -p scale-info will show you. ethereum-types has very permissive requirements for scale-info, so maybe a cargo update -p scale-info will fix the ...
Russo's user avatar
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2 votes

Ethereum chain as a Substrate chain

Substrate plus Frontier enables Ethereum compatibility. Substrate also has various Proof of Work implementations and tweaks to the default node template that one could configure to be compliant with ...
Nuke's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I know if I will need a storage migration along a forkless upgrade?

As far as I know, you have two ways to do this. First: you can check these pull-requests include runtime upgrade, and then pick pull requests between your old version and your new version, check those ...
ironman_ch_parami's user avatar
2 votes

cannot find macro `vec` in this scope

Check your deps std features. I think you might missing something like xxx/std.
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make a parachain project that uses Frontier as a dependency?

Check out the Frontier Node Template repo Copy the files in node and runtime folders inside the above repo, then make your parachain ...
Russo's user avatar
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2 votes

the trait bound `Event: From<pallet_base_fee::Event>` is not satisfied

Did you add pallet-base-fee in the construct_runtime! with Event<T>?
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
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2 votes

Frontier template

A great way to start with the Frontier node is the Substrate tutorial and it uses the template from the substrate developer hub. Verified today that it works well.
Lana I's user avatar
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2 votes

Can an off-chain worker read/write the state of an EVM contract?

I don't know much about EVM and Frontier, but in general offchain workers cannot write to the state directly, so if they call into a function directly that has some side effect, it will be ignored. ...
kianenigma's user avatar
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2 votes

Private key for EVM Frontier

The best way I found to interact with the EVM in Substrate Frontier is to use the Web3.js lib as explained in this Moonbeam tutorial:
Olivier Hory's user avatar
2 votes

How do I use the AccountId20 and EthereumSignature Signer with

There is an answer in Unified accounts with AURA. But that question's title is too specific. So, I try to answer this again. I think you need this to make PolkadotJS adapt for your chain. https://...
AurevoirXavier's user avatar
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2 votes

PreLog Blocks in frontier ethereum pallet on_initialize hook

The PreLog digest is not actually used in the frontier runtime by now. It's only reserved for some reasons.
koushiro's user avatar
2 votes

PolkadotJS Apps shows wrong AccountId20 on Frontier Template Node

On Jaco's comment: The type lookup doesn't work because in Polkadotjs is hardcoded to the account namespace (account::AccountId20) - which is Moonbeam's - and in Frontier the type is declared in ...
TMichel's user avatar
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