I'm trying to learn how to implement EVM pre-compiles in substrate (frontier), but I cannot find any documentation anywhere. If I try and reference something like moonbeam I fall into dependency hell. If you could point me towards some documentation or let me see some of what you have done I would be very grateful.

2 Answers 2


There is documentation by moonbeam https://docs.moonbeam.network/builders/build/canonical-contracts/precompiles/

few more links that may help you https://docs.astar.network/build/smart-contracts/ethereum-virtual-machine/evm-precompiles https://medium.com/@drstone/edgeware-evm-precompiles-a-deeper-dive-840a78f36320


You can also find a tutorial here: https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/integrate-with-tools/access-evm-accounts/

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