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Questions tagged [e2e]

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Is there e2e testing framework/example for Substrate solo chain?

I am working on a live solo chain. I have to test a scenario where I want to hit HTTP API through off chain-worker. Unfortunately it's not possible to test in mock environment. We can take an example ...
Boleng's user avatar
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How can I manually build message in ink-e2e test?

I would like to manually build a message and send it in my ink-e2e test. I'd like to construct and pass a selector and call data by myself. How can I do it using ink 5.0.0-rc and ink-e2e 5.0.0-rc?
Yrefef's user avatar
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How to call function with the same name but from different trait inside ink-e2e-test

Let's say I have the following impl of my Contract: impl Contract{ #[ink(message)] pub fn my_fun(&self); } impl MyTrait1 for Contract { #[ink(message)] pub fn my_fun(&self); } ...
Yrefef's user avatar
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Ink e2e tests with custom environment

I have an ink! contract that uses a custom environment that contains custom chain extensions. I am trying to write e2e tests for this contract however there is a problem. Instantiate the contract how ...
Szegoo's user avatar
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How to do cross contract e2e tests on ink?

I have made a contract in ink! that build fine, and I am trying to make e2e tests. I don't manage to do this even by using the examples in ink! repertory. My contract is a swap contract: it takes the ...
Nico John's user avatar
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Writing Test in ink! smart contract

I have two contract nft_contract and staking_contract. I want to write test for staking_contract but while staking I need to mint nft and approve, then only I can use it to stake. How can this be done?...
go11li's user avatar
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Need help in Ink e2e tests

I need help with that code. Can anyone pls help me out ?? mod p{ #[ink(storage)] pub struct Foobar { /// Stores a single `bool` value on the storage. value: ...
Shivam Varshney's user avatar
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How to resolve "mismatched types" error while ink_e2e test : expected String, found Vec<u8>

I am working with ink_e2e testing framework in ink smart contract, and I have encountered an error message that's a bit confusing. The error says: mismatched types - expected String, found Vec<u8&...
the dev's user avatar
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