I am working on a live solo chain. I have to test a scenario where I want to hit HTTP API through off chain-worker. Unfortunately it's not possible to test in mock environment.

We can take an example of official Substrate Offchain example where we are hitting price api. I want to test whether we are able to hit price api through off chain.

I just wanted to check if there is any framework or example for e2e test for Substrate solo chain?

  • Hi @boleng, can you share more information about your scenario since I think you could use zombienet to make it. Thanks!
    – pepoviola
    Commented Jun 20 at 15:00
  • @pepoviola I just edited my question. Please take a look. Can we use zombienet to test off chain?
    – Boleng
    Commented Jun 20 at 15:11