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Preăh Réachéanachâkr Kâmpŭchea
Karajaan Kamboja
Bandéra Kamboja

"Nation, Religion, King"
Location of Kamboja
Location of Kamboja
Ibu kotaPhnom Penh
11°33′N 104°55′E
Kota panggedéna ibu kota
Basa resmi Khmer
Démonim Urang Kamboja
Pamaréntah Karajaan konstitusional
 -  Raja Norodom Sihamoni
 -  Perdana Mentri Hun Manet
 -  ti Perancis 9 Nopember, 1953 
 -  Cai (%) 2.5
 -  Perkiraan  Juli 2006 13,971,000 (ka-63)
 -  Sénsus 1998 11,437,656 
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2006
 -  Total $36.82 miliar (ka-89)
 -  Per kapita $2,600 (ka-133)
HDI (2004) 0.583 (sedeng) (129th)
Mata uang Riel (៛)1 (KHR)
Zona wanci (UTC+7)
 -  Usum panas (DST)  (UTC+7)
TLD Internét .kh
Kode telepon +855
1 Mata uang lokal, sanajan dolar AS loba dipake oge.

Karajaan Kamboja (dikecapkeun /kæmˈboʊdɪə/, saméméhna katelah Kampuchéa (/kæmpuˈtʃiːə/, , ditransliterasi: Preăh Réachéanachâkr Kâmpŭchea) nyaéta hiji nagara di Asia Tenggara nu pangeusina leuwih ti 13 juta jiwa. Ibu kotana Phnom Penh. Kamboja mangrupa nagara gagantina Kakaisaran Khmer, salah sahiji kakaisaran Hindu jeung Buda nu kuat, nu marentah ampir sakabéh Bojong Indocina antara abad kasabelas jeung kaopatbelas.

Warga nagara Kamboja biasana disebut "Urang Kamboja" atawa "Khmer," sanajan ari nu kasbeut pandeuri mah nujulna kana etnis Khmer. lolobana urang Kamboja ngagem Theravada Buddhists of Khmer extraction, but the country also has a substantial number of predominantly Muslim Cham, as well as ethnic Chinese, Vietnamese and small animist hill tribes.

The country borders Thailand to its west and northwest, Laos to its northéast, and Vietnam to its éast and southéast. In the south it faces the Gulf of Thailand. The géography of Cambodia is dominated by the Mekong river (colloquial Khmer: Tonle Thom or "the great river") and the Tonlé Sap ("the fresh water lake"), an important source of fish. Much of Cambodia sits néar séa level, and consequently the Tonle Sap River reverses its water flow in the wet séason, carrying water from the Mekong back into the Tonlé Sap Lake and surrounding flood plain.

Cambodia's main industries are garments and tourism. In 2006, foreign visitors had surpassed the 1.7 million mark. In 2005, oil and natural gas Archived 2007-08-29 di Wayback Machine deposits were found benéath Cambodia's territorial water, and once commercial extraction begins in 2009 or éarly 2010, the oil revenues could profoundly affect Cambodia's economy.

Rengking internasional

[édit | édit sumber]
Yayasan Pusaka Index of Economic Freedom 102 out of 157
Reporters Without Borders Worldwide Press Freedom Index 108 out of 167
Transparency International Indeks Persepsi Basilat 151 out of 163
Program Kamekaran PBB Human Development Index 129 out of 177
Forum Ékonmi Dunya Global Competitiveness Report 103 out of 125

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