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Questions tagged [survey-weights]

survey weights are used when data are collected according to a probability sampling design with unequal probabilities of selection and/or response

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Computing standard errors when using stratified sampling

I am trying to understand the following formula for the standard error of the population mean as estimated through stratified sampling. On the CRAN site, the formula given is $$ S_{\bar{x}_{\textit{...
ted's user avatar
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Should mixed-data (incl. weights) be pre-normalised/scaled/standardised before computation of a distance matrix for hierarchical clustering?

should i scale the mixed data type before i perform hierarchical clustering? A question very similar to mine was asked above however it wasn't quite answered... For background: I am using a large ...
elemn's user avatar
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Sampling weights in Cox proportional hazards models

I'd like to use sampling weights in a Cox proportional hazards regression model to address selection due to different response probabilities. I'm calculating the weights as Inverse Probability of ...
r_epi's user avatar
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How to update survey weights after fixing strata membership/assignments?

Imagine we conduct a survey using stratified sampling, and after the survey closes, we find out that we had misclassified some of the respondents. They actually belong to different strata than we had ...
jdcrossval's user avatar
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Discrepancy in degrees of freedom from R svyglm vs glm

I fitted a Poisson model using svyglm in R. The null and residual deviances from the svyglm model are as expected. For the degrees of freedom however, I get confusing results. With a sample size of n=...
Ter's user avatar
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How to estimate upper CI of population prevalence of (very) rare events - with weights

I'm doing something equivalent to estimating the prevalence of a rare disease. I might sample 1000 individuals, and find zero cases. In which case I'd calculate the upper confidence interval using ...
Jeremy Miles's user avatar
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Questions regarding Post-Stratification and Imputation

This is my first try in making a reproducible sample, so I hope it goes well and is comprehensive. Based on a (German) survey among young people of Generation Z, I ask: Does volunteering have a ...
Blattla's user avatar
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How do I calculate a finite-population correction for a weighted sample?

I have a weighted sample from a population. These are probability weights (as samples are taken with unequal probability). What's the variance in the estimated total? All samples are exchangeable (...
Closed Limelike Curves's user avatar
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Can model-based recursive partitioning accommodate survey weights?

I am using the model-based recursive partitioning algorithm described in Zeileis, Hothorn and Hornik (2008), available here: I am using ...
Kate's user avatar
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Recalculating IPW after stratification

This may seem a bit odd as a question. If one stratifies a dataset using a variable, which was also used in IPW calculation, one will have to recalculate the weight, right? I am asking because there ...
Willie's user avatar
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Problem with weigts in survey analysis of GSS cross-sectional data

I have a dataset made from There is a description from the codebook how to use weights: ...
myoth myoth's user avatar
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Nonresponse weight adjustments in multi-stage household surveys

I have a question about nonresponse weighting in complex sample surveys in multi-stage designs, like say, The US National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R), the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), ...
SurveyStatLearner's user avatar
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What are some limitations of survey raking weights?

The title of this question says it all. I know that all methods have limitations, and while I know some of the strengths of raking weights (e.g., often, only marginal distributions for auxiliary ...
Andy's user avatar
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Reporting average marginal effects of a survey-weighted logit model with R

I'm working with survey data of a complex sample to estimate binary outcome models. I am trying to report average marginal effects of a logit model, which I estimated through ...
Daniel Sánchez's user avatar
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Comparison between weighted and unweighted surveys

I was hoping to get your take on comparing the results of a weighted survey with an unweighted survey. I have the results of two different surveys conducted in my state. Survey A was a multi-stage, ...
TPM's user avatar
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