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Weighing Data Issue

I am looking at e-cig prevalence within a city. I used surveys to collect data from residents, and I have a query around weighing data. I have made the assumption, due to over and underrepresentation ...
Aidan's user avatar
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Is there relationship between propensity score based causal inference and sampling weights?

Consider observational study with single outcome $Y$, single covariate $X$ and treatment assignment variable $W$. Under unconfounded treatment assignment assumption, $E_{sp}[Y(1)]=E[\frac{Y_i^{obs}W_i}...
user45765's user avatar
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What is the (Ratio estimator for the) covariance of two weighted means? [closed]

In a previous question I've asked How to estimate the (approximate) variance of the weighted mean?, specifically, how to prove the following formula: $$ \widehat{\sigma_{\bar{y}_w}^2} = \frac{1}{(\sum{...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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How to estimate the (approximate) variance of the weighted mean?

Background: weighted mean In the context of survey statistics it so happens that a sample of respondents from a survey are fit some weights to adjust their answers to the general population. These ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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Help with weighting sample according to population

I am a beginner with basic knowledge of statistics - just learning. I have a doubt regarding weighting survey sample distribution to population distribution. I have to create a weighting variable that ...
user275379's user avatar
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Correct use of the sample weights in a complex survey design for association analysis (Logit OR)

I've doubts about the correct use of sample weights in the NHANES survey, which uses a complex, multistage probability sampling design (1). I'm aware about the importance of the use of the sample ...
Borexino's user avatar
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Equivalence of svyglm and glm for simple random surveys

I have been exploring the use of the svyglm function in R's survey package to analyse surveys with both equal and unequal sampling probabilites. For an unequal ...
Andy Davey's user avatar
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Survey sampling : normalised weights or not?

I work in epidemiology on a sample which is stratified, and 2 – level cluster (801 individuals). I use the "survey" package on R for data analysis. In the sample, the sum of weights is the size of ...
user140922's user avatar
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When to use longitudinal (panel) weights vs cross-section weights in complex surveys

I'm currently working with a longitudinal dataset, the Kauffman Firm Survey. The survey tracks about 5000 firms starting from 2004 - 2009. Firms die out over the years. It has both cross-sectional ...
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