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How to show in R, using a simulation, that when sampling from a normal distribution, the sample mean and sample variance are independent

What is the best way to show that when sampling from a normal distribution, the sample mean and sample variance are independent? I know the theory behind this result, I would like to show it using a ...
Carlos233's user avatar
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Tightness of rejection sampling

Hello. I'm studying the Monte Carlo Statistical Method textbook by Robert and Casella. I have a question about exercise problem 30 in Chapter 2. I've already solved parts (a)-(c), but I'm having ...
urikokp's user avatar
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Understanding and simulating a classic linear regression model with fixed coefficients

I had used the GPT chat to ask some straightforward questions. However, one of the responses left me feeling quite confused. Currently, I am studying the classical regression model given by $$y_t = ...
André Goulart's user avatar
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Auxiliary randomization and the generalized CDF inverse

I'm trying to solve Homework 4 from professor Ryan Tibshirani's class on "Advanced Topics in Statistical Learning" [pdf] at UC Berkeley. It deals with basic facts about CDFs and quantiles. ...
Pedro Rodrigues's user avatar
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Generating uniformly distributed particles on a $n$-dimensional flat torus or periodic hypercube [closed]

I am trying to generate evenly distributed particles in an $n$-dimensional flat torus or a periodic hypercube. I am not sure if any of this approaches suffices. Can you suggest alternative methods for ...
Rober's user avatar
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Defining censoring level in survival analysis

I'm conducting a simulation analysis using the Exponential, Weibull and Gompertz distribution. To get the times I'm using the table from Austin 2012. But how can I define the censoring level to be ~...
Seb's user avatar
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Simulating AR(2) Process With Initial Conditions

Consider a system process given by $$x_t = -0.9x_{t-2} + w_t, \hspace{2mm} t=1,\dots n$$ where $x_0 \sim N(0,\sigma^2_0), x_{-1} \sim N(0,\sigma_1^2)$, and $w_t$ is Gaussian white noise with variance $...
Pame's user avatar
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How to simulate data of a random intercept effect model in R?

I want to simulate data of the following random intercept effect model in R $$Y_{ij}=\alpha+\beta x_{ij}+u_{0,i}+\epsilon_{ij}$$ $$u_{0,i} \sim N(0,\tau^2)$$ $$\epsilon_{ij} \sim N(0,\sigma^2)$$ Here ...
user10386405's user avatar
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Generating random variates knowing the density function

Let's consider a random variable that is following the distribution with the density function as below: $$f(x) = \begin{cases} \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} 3.5i(0.3)^{i-1}e^{-5ix} & \text{for $x>0$} \\ ...
bajun65537's user avatar
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Calculating the sample cumulative distribution function for a Kolmogrov-Simulation test to examine the goodness of fit with given data [duplicate]

I have sample data for 'Times between successive crashes of a computer system' which is for a 6 month period and the data is given in hours. The data in brief is : 1,10,20,30,40,52..... I need to use ...
Kumaran's user avatar
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Monte Carlo integration with Control Variate not giving any variance reduction

Given $I=\int_{3}^{+\infty}\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-x^2/2} \, dx$, I want to use a Control variate function to reduce the variance of a simple Monte Carlo simulation to compute this integral. In ...
tomas-silveira's user avatar
18 votes
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Generating random points uniformly on a disk [duplicate]

I have to randomly generate 1000 points over a unit disk such that are uniformly distributed on this disk. Now, for that, I select a radius $r$ and angular orientation $\alpha$ such that the radius $r$...
Ghosal_C's user avatar
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Is constructing a simulated model for a fixed SNR possible in binary regression?

When studying variable selection techniques like step-wise regression and the LASSO, a few studies employ a signal to ratio measure in order to control the amount of variability in a simulation. ...
Guilherme Marthe's user avatar
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Data generation process from an given regression model and monte-carlo experiment in R

I want to generate data in R to solve the following problem: Consider the following Data Generating Process (DGP) $Y_i = β_0 + β_1 · X_i + β_2 · Z_i + u_i$ , where $β_0 = 0.75$, $β_1 = 0.50$ and $β_2 ...
Daniel Ortiz's user avatar
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Book recommendations on how to conduct simulations in the context of OLS and Structural Equation Modelling

The title really says it all. Does anyone have any recommendations for well-written books, preferably with plenty of examples, on how to conduct simulation studies in the context of OLS and Structural ...
PsychometStats's user avatar

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