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Alternative for Wilcoxon Test?

I'm ending my Master's Thesis, and I'm trying to figure out which test to use to calculate the significance of my data. Basically, we measured the Free Kick biomechanical parameters of several ...
Pedro Delgado's user avatar
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Appropriate test for two not-normally-distributed data samples

I have some data comparing training participants who experienced the same training course either face-to-face or virtually (via Zoom). I have two survey items I am comparing. Sample A is for virtual ...
Gene Johnson's user avatar
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Testing tuples of response variables

I'm struggling with comparing samples with multiple response variables, where such variables have a strict precedence or importance order. For the sake of this exercise, let's assume that each sample ...
an_drade's user avatar
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Whitney Mann U test vs Kolmogorov Smirnov for a highly skewed continuous variable

I would like to compare task time to completion distributions (measured in minutes) across two groups. The distributions are highly skewed (the means are 300 to 400 times larger than the medians) and ...
Harry M's user avatar
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Confused about the Mann-Whitney $U$ test. Does it test distribution equality (pdf) or just mean/median equality?

I am rather confused about the Mann Whitney test, many statements I read state it tests for distribution equality between two populations and some state it tests for means/median/central tendency only....
limestreetlab's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons between two groups (non-parametric)

Update Added more details about the Experimental setup. My experiment comprised two groups, control (N=25) and experimental (N=26). Each participant belonged to one group. Their performance has been ...
Ioannis K.'s user avatar
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Statistical Comparison of Algorithms by User Ratings

I have an experimental setting where I compare 3 algorithms on the same dataset(n_sources), through user subjective evaluation of the produced outcomes(each algorithm does a different kind of sound ...
MrT77's user avatar
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Appropriate statistical test for data which do not have normally distribution and do not have equal variance

My data has 150 samples and is not normally distributed, and it does not have equal variances either. I know t-test (e.g. this python method) can be used when data is normally distributed and it can ...
Memin's user avatar
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Significant difference between two non normal and inhomogene groups

I've done some measurement of tissue rigidity. So I did 1.000 measures with healthy (n=300) and ill (n=700) people. Now I want to find out if there is a significant different value of the measured ...
user3142695's user avatar
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This is a comparison between non-normal samples of different sizes?

I have 16 types of experiments (a matrix of 4 conditions and 4 bacterial strains). Each experiment type is composed by a variable number of samples (4-8). Each sample is made of a variable number of ...
lorean's user avatar
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How to interpret Mann-Whitney's statistical significance if median is equal?

Testing the difference between the observations of two groups by using Mann-Whitney Test has given the following output (from minitab): ...
PatternRecognition's user avatar
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What statistical analysis should I use for this (attached) dataset?

I have a dataset of 815 positive examples and 9492 negative examples for a certain class. Each example is represented by 12 features and a target label (i.e. TRUE/FALSE). The dataset is in a CSV file ...
PatternRecognition's user avatar
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Combining data from different locations to test difference in populations

I have (irregularly spaced) times series concentration data for four locations and am trying to discern whether or not there has been a change in concentrations after a particular event. To avoid ...
jmbekd's user avatar
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Subsets not significantly different but superset is

I have various clinical data on participants in a study. I'm looking at a continuous variable ("A") and a (binary) categorical variable (group) ("O"). I used a Wilcoxon test in R (the data are not ...
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