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2 votes
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Learn a distribution from distributions on samples [closed]

There's many good ways to learn a distribution $p_X$ of an r.v. $X$ over $k$ symbols given many i.i.d. samples $X_1,\ldots, X_n$. The simplest is to use the sample relative frequencies $\hat{f}_X$ as ...
chausies's user avatar
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What fat tail distributions can I fit to my data?

I have 490 data points, which are very unlikely to be I.I.D. Below is a summary in Million dollars. My goal is to fit a distribution so that its 99.9th quantile captures the 70.22M maximum. Min. 1st ...
Ye Tian's user avatar
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Finding the conditional distribution of 2 dependent normal random variables

Here's the situation $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ and given $X=x$, $Y \sim N(x, \tau^2)$ I need to find the distribution of $X$ given $Y=y$ From what's given, I know the pdf's of $X$ as well as $Y|X=x$...
CoolBeanz's user avatar
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How to check if two samples come from the same population? [duplicate]

I was wondering if or which tests can be used to test if two samples come from the same population for data that is not normally distributed?
uglycode's user avatar
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How to show that the general parzen window provides a probability distribution?

According to the solution above, the integral of the kernel over x is the volume of the hypercube. However, I do not understand why. Can someone explain to me please?
user10024395's user avatar
11 votes
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Why is Kernel Density Estimation still nonparametric with parametrized kernel?

I am new to kernel density estimation (KDE), but I want to learn about it to help me calculate probabilities of outcomes in sequencing data. I watched this ...
Galen's user avatar
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Probability that a random variable is k-th when ordered - simplification needed.

My first post... I'm trying to simplify the following problem: Let $F_e(x)$ be a continuous cdf of some distribution parametrised by $e$. Let us assume that: (a) The mean of this distribution ...
zctpf72's user avatar
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Suggest a (nonparametric?) test for the difference between two strictly-positive distributions

$\mathbf{X}$ is a $n\times p$ matrix of data. I'm treating $\mathbf{X}$ as having a multivariate normal distribution with some arbitrary covariance structure. $\mathbf{Y}$ is a $(m<n)\times p$ ...
generic_user's user avatar
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Three parameter lognormal distribution

I'd like to know what results there are for $(1-X)(1-Y)$ where $X$ and $Y$ are independent and both have a lognormal distribution. I'd like to find an analytic solution or closed form approximation, ...
Ash's user avatar
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Probability of an unknown distribution

I have the sample of a variable $X$ whose distribution is unknown and I would like to know how to estimate the probability of $X$ taking some values. How can I do that? I assume that there's a non ...
Valde's user avatar
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Non parametric: How to detect different groups

I have data sets for different serial numbers of devices. Those data are not following a normal distribution. I would like to know which serial numbers are behaving differently from the overall ...
Michael Hooreman's user avatar
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Detecting outlying distributions of ratio data

I have a dataset consisting of hundreds of repeat observations on thousands of agents. Each observation is a ratio between two distance measures, A and B, where A is always larger than B. Thus, my ...
user3279453's user avatar
10 votes
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Looking for a robust, distribution-free/nonparametric distance between multivariate samples

There are many distance functions for distributions out there, but I'm having a hard time wading through them all to find one that is "distribution-free", or "nonparametric", by which I mean only ...
kjo's user avatar
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Comparing frequency distributions

Quick rundown of my data: I have depth measurements from fish with implanted transmitters from two sites (reference and hypoxic) and two seasons (spring and summer). All data is in an Excel ...
Amaroq's user avatar
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Probability that randomly chosen value from one distribution is greater than randomly chosen value from another distribution

Say I have $n$ values sampled from two distributions, $A$ and $B$ . That is, I have a sample $A_1, A_2, \dots, A_n$ and a sample $B_1, B_2, \dots, B_n$. How would I go about finding $P\left(A_i>...
Jake Fisher's user avatar

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