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Questions tagged [mlr]

"mlr" is an R Package focussing on machine learning. The abbreviation "mlr" stands for "machine learning in R"

4 votes
2 answers

Machine learning benchmarks: MAE, RMSE, and R-squared

I'm working on a machine learning problem, and I'm having trouble interpreting different measures of model performance. I have a single dependent variable (proportion change between two treatments, ...
S. Robinson's user avatar
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Why multiple linear regression perform better than single layer neural network in predicting time?

I am doing research on predicting failing time of a component of a machine. Response is failing time of the component of a machine, and the input is location information (consists of integers). I fit ...
wildcat's user avatar
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Benchmark machine-learning model in MLR3 with randomized data

I am conducting machine-learning in R using mlr3. I would like to assess the performance of my model by conducting a benchmark of my model using real and also randomized data. Here is an example: <...
user374497's user avatar
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normal qq plot and OLS

Just have a quick question. You have to know by looking at the residual plot and the normal qq plot that the residual should be distributed as normal, average of residuals should be 0 and residuals ...
user398060's user avatar
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Which test in this case ? Friedman not possible

I have done a benchmarking of multiple learners on multiple tasks with nested CV (inner loop : CV 3F, and outer loop : CV 3F). My datas have 1052 observations and each task have 10-12 features. I ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Overfitting models in mlr3

I'm trying to compare multiple learners on my dataset (called "data") in order to predict a target called "lesionResponse", with custom resampling. Since mlr3 package doesn't allow ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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How to select features while keeping covariates in mlr3

I am doing a classification job using mlr3. There are several covariates besides independent variables (features) in my dataset. I wonder how to select a feature ...
YiweiZhu's user avatar
2 votes
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Parameter 'C' cannot be optimized for 'nu-svr'? mlr3 with kernlab

I am trying to optimize an SVR model within the mlr3 ecosystem with the kernlab package and I am getting the following error: The parameter 'C' can only be set if ...
Eduardo A. Sánchez Torres's user avatar
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Error "Feature names stored in `object` and `newdata` are different!" using xgboost in mlr package [closed]

I am trying to make a multilabel classification model for XGBoost. I have one that works for RF, but when I try this code below for XGBoost I get the error: ...
agnesg2g's user avatar
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Difference in resample MSE from mlr3

I created a new task with TaskRegr$new, a learner with lrn('regr.ranger'), a search space with ...
Dean MacGregor's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Multiple Linear Regression with more variables than samples

I'm currently learning chemometrics for my work and I have a simple question about Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). Just to explain the context: I am simply using UV-Vis-NIR spectra (2500 wavelengths)...
Snedron's user avatar
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Why does the accuracy of leave-one-out CV change between runs for my kNN task?

I'm getting into ML, working through the book Machine Learning with R, the Tidyverse and MLR. Early on the concept of cross validation is introduced as a means to gauge the ability of my model to work ...
korolev's user avatar
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What is the default feature importance for classif.randomForestSRC in mlr?

Below is the code I used, "ano.cla.filter" is a filtering method defined by myself ...
purod's user avatar
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How to get boundary points that are at interface of differnet classes in multilabel classification dataset

I am working on finding points which are at boundary of different classes. In other words finding points on which a classifier would be most confused or uncertain about. For a setting like multi label ...
Nishant 's user avatar
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R alternative to scikit-learn [closed]

As a statics researcher, I've been using R since university and I know it quite well, I also know that it's immediate, but it quickly gets chaotic, and this also happens because of the variety and ...

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