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Probability algorithm on strings

Let $x$ be any binary string $\in (0,1)^*.$ The majority language is given by: $$\text{MAJ}:=\{x\in (0,1)^*:\sum_{i=1}^ {|x|}x_i>\frac{|x|}{2}\},\text{where $x_i$ is the $i$-th position value(...
D. S.'s user avatar
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Need help in calculating $\mathbb{E}(\frac{1}{x_{(2)}-x_{(1)}}\int_{x_{(1)}}^{x_{(2)}} f(t) \ dt)$, where $x_{(i)}$ are related Beta distribution

Suppose $Y, Z \stackrel{\text{iid}}{\sim}\mathrm{Uniform}(0,1)$. Let $a = g(\min(y,z)),\ b=g(\max(y,z)).$ How can I calculate the expectation $$\mathbb{E}\left[\frac{1}{b-a}\int_a^b f(t) \ dt\right]$$ ...
learner's user avatar
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What is the bias of uniform distribution parameter estimator?

I have a question regarding question 2 of chapter 6 of "All of Statistics" book by Larry Wasserman. let: $$X_1, ... , X_n \sim \operatorname{Uniform}(0, \theta )$$ and let: $$\hat{\theta} = \...
George Wilhelm Hegel's user avatar
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Joint density of two functions of a uniformly distributed random variable

I'd like to work out $\operatorname{Cov}(\cos(2U), \cos(3U))$ where $U$ is uniformly distributed on $[0, \pi]$. I believe this involves computing $\mathbb{E}[\cos(2U)\cos(3U)]$. If so, then I first ...
johnsmith's user avatar
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Recursive Uniform Distribution Expectation Question

Suppose we draw some k ~ Unif(0, 1). Then, we will draw some $u_1$ ~ Unif(0, 1). If $u_1 < k,$ we stop. Else, we will draw $u_2$ ~ Unif(0, $u_1$). We will continue drawing until $u_n < k,$ where ...
PerplexedPelican's user avatar
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In statistics how does one find the mean of a function w.r.t the uniform probability measure?

I am unfamiliar in statistics. My knowledge is in pure mathematics. Suppose $n\in\mathbb{N}$, where $X$ is in the $\sigma$-algebra of Caratheodory-measurable sets such that $X\subseteq\mathbb{R}^{n}$ ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Expected Number of Good Pairs

This is a question I had in my interview: we have $N$ i.i.d Uniform$(0, 1)$ random variables. Define a good neighbor for $x_i$ as the point that is closest to $x_i$ in absolute value. We call a pair $...
DA_PA's user avatar
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Expected number after n rounds of uniform~[0,1] draws

If we have a series of $n$ IID random variable $X_i$ that are uniform [0,1], and at each round $i$ we decide to either keep $X_i$ or discard it for the next number. What is our strategy to maximize ...
wwyws's user avatar
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Expectation for the MLE for a Uniform Discrete Random Variable

$\newcommand{\szdp}[1]{\!\left(#1\right)} \newcommand{\szdb}[1]{\!\left[#1\right]}$ Problem Statement: Suppose that $n$ integers are drawn at random and with replacement from the integers $1,2,\dots,N....
Adrian Keister's user avatar
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Posterior distribution of two i.i.d. uniform r.v. given their difference with graphical intuition

I have two i.i.d. random variables, $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ which are uniformly distributed on the unit square. I need to compute the joint posterior distribution of these two variables, given their ...
ad018's user avatar
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Where is the error?

I am trying to compute expectation of $X\mathbb I_{[X+Y\le a]}$ where $a$ is a fixed positive integer, $X$ is discrete uniform random variable taking values from $1$ to $a$, and $Y$ another random ...
Martund's user avatar
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Expectation of uniform variates

Let $X_{1},X_{2},X_{3}$ be random variates from $U(0,1)$. It is required to compute $E(\frac{X_{1}+X_{2}}{X_{1}+X_{2} + X_{3}})$. Here is what I did.. $E(\frac{X_{1}+X_{2}}{X_{1}+X_{2} + X_{3}}) = E(1 ...
userNoOne's user avatar
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Mean of uniform two-dimensional probability density function

I am trying to calculate the mean of a two-dimensional probability density function, which looks like: and is defined by I know that I can calculate this by However, this is where I get stuck, as I ...
Aleks's user avatar
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Evaluating (Uniform) Expectations over Non-simple Region

Background. Let $V = (X,Y)$ be a random vector in 2-dimensions uniformly distributed over two disjoint regions $R_X \cup R_Y$ defined as follows: $$ \begin{align} R_X &= ([0,1] \times [0,1]) \...
EzioBosso's user avatar
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Expected number of uniform draws to exceed a first uniform draw

I came across the following problem (Problem number 27 from here): Aaron samples from the Uniform(0,1) distribution. Then Brooke repeatedly samples from the same distribution until she obtains a ...
ved's user avatar
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