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Questions tagged [analytical]

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How were the asymmetric recovery ranges in Table A5 of Appendix F from AOAC determined?

I am trying to understand how the recovery ranges in Table A5 of Appendix F from AOAC ( were determined. I did not understand how the ...
Éderson D'Martin Costa's user avatar
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Sample size calculation in an analytical cross-sectional study

I want to calculate the sample size for an analytical cross-sectional study I'm planning on doing. I want to find out if there's an association between an exposure and a disorder. I will be finding ...
trinitrotoluene's user avatar
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Combine variance from two linear models

I used here linear models for simplifying my final approach. Let's assume that a first linear model is estimated to obtain a response that will be then used as covariate in a successive linear model. ...
Pancho's user avatar
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What hypothesis can be drawn from a dataset that looks like this?

Here is a picture of my dataset. I have three questions. 1) What are the dependent independent variables in this dataset? 2) How can I identify the year here as ordinal or nominal? 3) What possible ...
Qasim Bashir's user avatar
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Why two dimensions MCA that may represent 40% of variance is enough to constructing socioeconomic scores?

The research paper I am putting the link to and many others when using MCA to formulate socioeconomic scores, they tend to use only two dimensions eventhough most of the variance is not represented by ...
An116's user avatar
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The probability/cumulative density function for inequality of two random variables

I have two random variables X and Y which came from different inverse gaussian (IG) ...
zlon's user avatar
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Data analytics basics for a organization

I have no knowledge on data analytics, just trying to start. I also have no idea which tools to use, so here is my question, If I have to build a data analytics for an organization which shows trends ...
karthikeayan's user avatar
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HOW to determine $S$ in $SEIR$ epidemiology model

With the contact rate parameters for a $SEIR$ model as follows: $$ \begin{aligned} \beta &= 0.139\\ \gamma &= \frac{1}{10.4}\\ \sigma &= 0.1\\ R_0 &= 1.4456\\ N &= 3,787,000\\ I(0) ...
Parastu Aflaki's user avatar
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Can the horseshoe prior be expressed analytically?

My question is about the horseshoe prior, described by Carvalho et al. It is specified as: $$ \beta_i|\lambda_i,\tau\sim\mathcal N(0,\tau^2\lambda_i^2)\\ \lambda_i\sim\mathcal C^+(0,1) $$ I have read ...
PedroSebe's user avatar
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Generating an analytical copula for an example problem

I am currently doing research that requires me to understand dependence modeling. As a first step, I am reading An Introduction to Copulas. I am, stuck on the first example problem which I have re-...
wallboy5's user avatar
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Analytically derive standard deviation of parent normal distribution (with known mean) from moments of the truncated normal distribution

Given $\sigma_t$ and $\mu_t$ of a truncated normal distribution, as well as $\mu_p$ of the parent normal distribution, I would like to analytically compute the standard deviation $\sigma_p$ of the ...
monade's user avatar
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Are EM and MCMC closed-form analytical solution

I came across the concept of closed-form analytical solution while learning MCMC and got a bit confused. At this point, my understanding is that the problem does not have closed-form solution if it ...
unicorn's user avatar
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Does there exist an analytical solution to the log-likelihood minimisation for a Gaussian model with linear variance?

I'm trying to model some data using the following distribution: \begin{align} r &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2) \nonumber\\ \mu &= m_0 + m_1 d \nonumber\\ \sigma^2 &= s_0+s_1 d\nonumber\\ ...
jeroen's user avatar
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Two dependent uniformly distributed continuous variables and Bayes' theorem: a billiard table exercise

I am trying to solve the following exercise from Judea Pearl's Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference. 2.2. A billiard table has unit length, measured from ...
Fato39's user avatar
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How can I use transformation properties to obtain the distribution of $h(\mathbf{s})$?

Let that $\mathbf{s}=(s_1,s_2) \sim Unif(S)$, where $S$ is some spatial area. Suppose $y=h(\mathbf{s})=1-[exp(exp(\beta_0+\beta_1(\mathbf{s}-\mathbf{x})^T(\mathbf{s}-\mathbf{x})))]^{-1}$. We have that ...
Ron Snow's user avatar
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