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Adam Freeman's user avatar
Adam Freeman
freelancer at self-employed
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

AssetsLibrary framework broken on iOS 8

8 votes

How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?

7 votes

How to use LUT png for CIColorCube filter?

6 votes

How to Rotate a UIImage 90 degrees?

6 votes

Xcode 6 - How to pick signing certificate/provisioning profile for Ad-Hoc distribution?

5 votes

UIImage to byte array

4 votes

How do I convert between big-endian and little-endian values in C++?

4 votes

XCode 6 and Ad-Hoc distribution without XC: provisioning

4 votes

resize UIImage proportionally then crop

3 votes

How do I format the current date for the user's locale?

3 votes

GPUImage mixing image and video getting crash overreleasing a frame buffer

3 votes

How can I find a line number in Xcode?

2 votes

How do I link third party libraries like fftw3 and sndfile to an iPhone project in Xcode?

2 votes

CIFaceFeature points incorrect

2 votes

MGTwitterEngine for Iphone SDK errors

2 votes

iOS check if torch is on

2 votes

How to make ffmpeg write its output to a named pipe

1 vote

Factorials in Swift

1 vote

Facemark or Kazemi in Android

1 vote

Number of keys in ReadableMap?

1 vote

Want to share a MGTwitterEngine iPhone Xcode skeleton project?

1 vote

Mirroring CIImage/NSImage

1 vote

CIDetector give wrong position on facial features

1 vote

Accessing crash logs on iPhones used for ad hoc distribution

1 vote

Dilate/erode modify kernel option

1 vote

GPUImage and performance with external accessory

1 vote

Objective-c protocol to Swift class. unrecognized method

1 vote

Wait for assetForURL blocks to be completed

1 vote

AssetsLibrary framework broken on iOS 8

1 vote

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView