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Ethan's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Github organization name change does not change URL route string

2 votes

Making private repo inside an organization available to only some members

2 votes

index.js and index.html in the same directory

2 votes

Is there a way to stack two words in one cell of a HTML table?

2 votes

What makes @ required in some CSS selectors?

2 votes

Control the space the <br> tag gives html/css

2 votes

How do you control the order in which files appear in a GitHub Repository?

2 votes

Multiple styles within same paragraph

2 votes

Why use a GitHub template instead of a fork?

2 votes

GitHub - Create issues specific to a branch?

1 vote

Github visible actions

1 vote

Can you stretch the CSS grid to fill the width of the screen?

1 vote

How many collaborators can I add to a public/private github repo? Can I prevent collaborators from merging pull requests?

1 vote

How do I embed a repl into a website in full screen?

1 vote

How do I change my Discord Bot Status from 'Playing' to 'Watching'?

0 votes

What are the URLs to add to Time Screen to be able to log in account on iMac?

0 votes

What does margin: auto do?

0 votes

How to publish a react app on GitHub pages within an existing repository?

0 votes

How to make background image resize itself, but only till its original size reached?

0 votes

How does the HTML5 outlining structure called

0 votes

Can you have multiple different pages on 1 GH repositories

0 votes

Comment section on Github Pages

0 votes

How to do square by height css

0 votes

Is there an easy way to allow an html document to scroll left and right?

0 votes

How to make image banner and two div cards responsive for every sreensize

0 votes

How do I know what height/width to set for CSS?

0 votes

Flexbox elements overlap on window resize

0 votes

Restricting the size of an image with both of height and width of parent div

0 votes

Overriding left style with CSS

0 votes

Auto-link Github PR to issue and close issue when PR gets merged