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Questions tagged [github-issues]

Tag used for GitHub Issues, an issue tracker provided by GitHub

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Github action create an issue with body a table

- name: Create Issue if: steps.check_issue.outputs.issue_exists == 'false' run: | issue_body=$(echo '{ "title": "Titolo ${{ steps.check_repo.outputs.code }}", ...
Paul's user avatar
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How can I get issues that created by GithubApp Bot by using REST API?

I want to get my repo's issues that created by my GithubApp Bot by using REST API. It means I don't want to get the issues only created by user. I noticed that there is a list-repository-issues api, ...
mao's user avatar
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View text of Github Issue within VS Code

Is there a way to see the text of Github Issues in VS Code? The Github extension lists the issues, but to view the text you need to open a browser window:
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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API Issues H- I query from API Explorer, my ContactGroups is an empty array in each of my contact. Is it an API faulty?

I have a question about the API stuffs. I have added contacts into Group in Xero admin site. But when I query from API Explorer, my ContactGroups is an empty array in each of my contact. Is it an API ...
cetech solution's user avatar
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What is the simplest method to import Github issues into Azure DevOps as issues?

We want to move just our issues from Github to Azure DevOps and would like to know if there is a simple way to do this (i.e. a tool from Microsoft or a third party). For help with what could be ...
DanO's user avatar
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Github issue template validation (required: true) not working

I am trying to create a Github issue template and I would like to validate fields as filled in before allowing the user to submit the issue. I am using the validations filed but Gthub does not seem to ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Cancel Draw issue

The following error is appearing no.of times can anyone brief about this I/ViewRootImpl@c367172MainActivity: [DP] cancelDraw$2@8985646 ...
Deepak Kumar's user avatar
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Opening Flutter screen in new Tab on web

I want to open a flutter screen on new tab on a button click. I am using this code.'/#/external_screen',"_blank"); Where external_screen is route of my screen I want to ...
M Ahmed's user avatar
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Extract users' email addresses using Github API

I have a Python function that pulls the issues in the repository using the Github API, and I want to pull the emails of the users who closed and opened the issue with this function. I tried below code ...
Tugce Ozgirgin's user avatar
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Github GraphQL fine-grained access token for projects

Trying to figure out how to use GraphQL to access project info on Github. The following request will fail (type":"FORBIDDEN","path":["repository","projects"...
Matt's user avatar
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gitlab issues remove uploaded designs

I uploaded desgins for the issues, but can not find the any delete option. How can i delete it?
JayCold's user avatar
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How to ban users from a specific country for editing a GitHub Repository?

My Question My Question is that what I have to do if I want to ban a users of a specific country from editing the repository. I want to add a country based restriction to my Repository. Reason If you ...
Ali Zain's user avatar
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Is there a way to automate GitHub Actions to automatically inherit an iteration from a tracked by issue to simplify Story/Task management in Projects?

I have migrated from AzureDevOps to GitHub to manage my Scrum artifacts (Product and Sprint Backlogs) but I'm trying to simplify the usage with some automated actions. I have settled on issues with a &...
Aaron Huff's user avatar
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Connection closed before full header was recieved error in graphql_flutter

I'm encountering an intermittent issue while fetching data from a GraphQL endpoint using the graphql_flutter package in my Flutter app. Occasionally, I receive the error message "Connection ...
Mansoor Ali's user avatar
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Github requests and issues what is the rationale behind the checkout 'main'

What is the reason for the checkout 'main' button in the Github VScode extension:
theking2's user avatar
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