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mathheadinclouds's user avatar
mathheadinclouds's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
117 votes

Split a vector into chunks

33 votes

Jquery condition check is(':hover') not working

22 votes

jQuery check hover status before start trigger

19 votes

HTML5 Canvas 100% Width Height of Viewport?

17 votes


15 votes

Can I embed HTML into an HTML5 SVG fragment?

13 votes

what does android getIntrinsicHeight and getIntrinsicWidth mean?

11 votes

Getting All Variables In Scope

10 votes

Accessing d3.js element attributes from the datum?

10 votes

d3 add multiple classes with function

10 votes

understanding getByteTimeDomainData and getByteFrequencyData in web audio

8 votes

Serializing object that contains cyclic object value

4 votes

Android: Using ObjectAnimator to translate a View with fractional values of the View's dimension

3 votes

Esprima get function and variable declarations

3 votes

Passing an object with circular references from server to client-side Javascript while retaining circularity

3 votes

Can't get objectAnimator working with xFraction

2 votes

JS: rename variables for refactor (using an AST, not text)

2 votes

Reference GitHub file in jsFiddle

2 votes

how many digits in FLOAT?

2 votes

jQuery 1.8: unsupported pseudo: hover

2 votes

How do I convert HTML to XHTML using JavaScript?

2 votes

Why do event listeners disappear when reusing a fragment?

2 votes

.forEach vs Object.keys().forEach performance on sparse arrays

1 vote

can I turn off optimization, so in-scope variables from closures aren't "optimized out"

1 vote

Simple nested object produces `SyntaxError: Unexpected token` in Chrome console?

1 vote

Body inside body

1 vote

Simple drag and drop code

1 vote

What use cases are there in JavaScript for Sparse Arrays?

1 vote

How can I get the content of the file specified as the 'src' of a <script> tag?

1 vote

Equivalent of "defined" in Mathematica