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Questions tagged [android-animation]

Animations can be integrated into Android apps, either with XML in traditional View layouts or with Kotlin/Java in both traditional and Jetpack Compose layouts.

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How can I change the z coordinate of a view along with zoom animation to achieve an interpolated shadow?

I want to achieve a hover effect where a button gets a zoom animation and the z coordinate increases to get a shadow. Is this possible? I want the shadow to be interpolated with the zoom, not just a ...
slowcoder's user avatar
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How can I setText() inbetween sequential animations of TextView object?

I have a TextView that I'd like to slide out of screen, then change the text, then slide back into view. I have the animation in xml.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> ...
slowcoder's user avatar
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Why does my animatedWidth variable doesn't change with the function animateTo?

I have an animation it's a green rectangle that grows in length inside a white outlined rectangle. It was working fine before I adjusted the layout. Now the green rectangle simply doesn't grow. If I ...
Deusnominus's user avatar
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Creating compose smooth stopping rotation animation

I am trying to create a smooth stopping animation. When the user clicks on the icon it will rotate. Once its fetched from the Endpoint it will stop. However, I am controlling this by resetting the ...
ant2009's user avatar
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How to Synchronize Animations of Multiple Rows in Jetpack Compose?

I'm working on a Jetpack Compose application where I have multiple rows of components that I want to animate simultaneously. The animation in the first row(scale) is different from the second row(...
Akhil's user avatar
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Eliminating Blinking Effect in Rotational Animation of List Elements

I'm working with a list of three elements, say [A, B, C], and I'm attempting to create a rotational animation with them. The sequence of this animation would be A B, B C, C A, A B, and so on, ...
pepperlove's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose Shared Element Transition Bug?

so i have this shared element transition bug or maybe i just implement it wrong in compose, you can see the bug on this video video. as you can see at first the transition between list screen and ...
agung Dwi's user avatar
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rememberAnimatedVectorPainter speed up the animation dinamically

I have an animated-vector that I want to change the speed dynamically in jetpack compose, here is what I have at the moment.your text I'm using the LaunchedEffect in order to loop the animation, and ...
Owen Yamil Sahagun Ortega's user avatar
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Exo player animation is canceled

I want to animate the visibility of the exo player after clicking on the button, but the player suddenly disappears or appears suddenly. @Composable fun TestPlayerScreen( modifier: Modifier = ...
Rodion's user avatar
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How to animate a RecyclerView item outside of the RecyclerView

I’m new to android studio, I’m trying to build a card game. I used a RecyclerView to display the player's cards (each card is an ImageView). When the player clicks on a card, the card should move to ...
Ka___f's user avatar
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Android Animator and ObjectAnimator

I am new in android and I'm looking for a way to implement animations in my project. I guess Android Studio does not provide inbuilt antimation view. Let me knoe if you have any idea about animation ...
Shubham Sevak's user avatar
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How to make the animation expand upward when using Modifier.animateContentSize() in Jetpack Compose?

I'm trying to make a layout, in this case a Column, expand upward vertically on the press of a button. It's not working. It's only expanding downward. When launched it displays a dark gray column. The ...
Bob Rasner's user avatar
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Android RecyclerView Flicker problem when Using drag。

I made a grid effect with RecyclerView(2 itemviewtype). When I drag the element onto the "2" header, the header flashes, and the animation of the element before and after the header does not ...
Hansey Chan's user avatar
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Android: Activity animation not playing when clicking on notification

In my MyFirebaseMessagingService, I create a notification (even when the app is currently in foreground): intent = Intent(applicationContext, { flags = Intent....
Hillcow's user avatar
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How to get LazyColumn click position

I have a LazyColumn, click one item to navigate to a new screen. I want the Animation transition to be similar to the Gmail app to open a mail to the detail page. I don't need to use the ...
penghaitao's user avatar

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