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Juha Untinen's user avatar
Juha Untinen
Senior Software Developer
  • Member for 12 years
  • Last seen this week
23 votes

How to retrieve complete URL from address bar using PHP?

16 votes

Sum fields in sqlAlchemy

12 votes

Bootstrap-vue doesn't load CSS

11 votes

What are the possible use cases for Amazon SQS or any Queue Service?

9 votes

Checking dict keys to ensure a required key always exists, and that the dict has no other key names beyond a defined set of names

9 votes

Solve Cross Origin Resource Sharing with Flask

4 votes

Flask with redis - disable cache during pytest?

3 votes

In Flask, what is "request.args" and how is it used?

3 votes

Files created in Vagrant centos/7 do not appear in Windows

2 votes

Flask-SQLAlchemy how to do constraint foreign key with cascade in MySQL (InnoDB)?

2 votes

git push: refs/heads/my/subbranch exists, cannot create

1 vote

How to reset split screen to default in Notepad++

1 vote

Updating data based on Select field works in Chrome but not Firefox

1 vote

How to check if an object is a list or tuple (but not string)?

1 vote

array_values works in localhost, but returns nothing on server?

1 vote

SQLAlchemy / jsonpatch - how to make patch paths case-insensitive?

1 vote

Ubuntu 14.04 puma upstart failing with "init: Failed to spawn puma main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory"

1 vote

JSON-Patch 'remove' with empty path - What is the official, standard outcome?

1 vote

react/scss body background-image becomes [object Object]

1 vote

Vagrant box not seen/detected when doing vagrant up

1 vote

python how to count words in a list element

0 votes

Cannot change CSV delimiter to tab

0 votes

Error: Can't set headers after they are sent with Chai and Mocha

0 votes

Mocking mongoose save() error inside a route

0 votes

ER_NO_DB_ERROR: No database though database is present

0 votes

Absolute paths (baseUrl) gives error: Cannot find module

0 votes

Two of the same directories on remote with different cases while only one locally

0 votes

Docker: no containers, but network cannot be removed due to active endpoints

0 votes

images in public folder are not showing in react project

0 votes

Trying to embed a video to my Github repo's file