I recently upgraded to the most recent version of sqlalchemy and some of my code no longer works. I'm having difficulty finding how to fix it and could use a hand.

Previously the query appeared as so.

    .filter(Drive.wipe_end!=None).sum(Drive.wipe_end - Drive.wipe_start)

this worked before to retrieve the sum of some durations but now I get the following error:

'Query' object has no attribute 'sum'

Any googling I do gets me information that is several years old.

2 Answers 2


I believe you need the sum() function in the "func" package:

from sqlalchemy import func
cursor = self.db.query(func.sum(Drive.wipe_end - Drive.wipe_start)).filter(Drive.package_id==package.package_id).filter(Drive.wipe_end!=None)
total = cursor.scalar()
  • why did you use scalar? How would you round the number off ?
    – Tikkaty
    Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 23:34
  • 3
    I get TypeError: 'BaseQuery' object is not callable in Python 3 with SQLAlchemy 1.12 with: votes_sum = VotesReleases.query(func.sum(VotesReleases.Vote)).filter_by(ReleaseID=release_id).all(). Or does func.sum() not represent the SQL SUM()? Commented Oct 11, 2017 at 17:46
  • 1
    I discovered the syntax for modern SQLAlchemy. I posted an answer. Commented Oct 11, 2017 at 19:07

In SQLAlchemy 1.1.13 (released 3 August 2017), the syntax for using sum() is this:

from sqlalchemy import func
from apps.mystuff.models import MyModel

some_value = "hello"

result = MyModel.query.with_entities(

# Depending on the column datatype, it's either int:

# Or if the data is decimal/float:

The main difference compared to the original answer is that instead of:

The syntax has changed to this starting from version 0.6.5:


  • yehh, This works fine without any error!! Commented Dec 31, 2020 at 9:56

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