I have a dict in python that follows this general format:

{'field': ['$.name'], 'group': 'name', 'function': 'some_function'}

I want to do some pre-check of the dict to ensure that 'field' always exists, and that no more keys exist beyond 'group' and 'function' which are both optional.

I know I can do this by using a long and untidy if statement, but I'm thinking there must be a cleaner way?

This is what I currently have:

if (('field' in dict_name and len(dict_name.keys()) == 1) or 
    ('group' in dict_name and len(dict_name.keys()) == 2) or 
    ('function' in dict_name and len(dict_name.keys()) == 2) or 
    ('group' in dict_name and 'function' in dict_name and len(dict_name.keys()) == 3))

Essentially I'm first checking if 'field' exists as this is required. I'm then checking to see if it is the only key (which is fine) or if it is a key alongside 'group' and no others, or a key alongside 'function' and no others or a key alongside both 'group' and 'function' and no others.

Is there a tidier way of checking the keys supplied are only these 3 keys where two are optional?

  • 1
    I believe {'group':'name','function':'func'} would pass according to your second (and third) line.
    – Teepeemm
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 12:38
  • You are correct, I hadn't noticed that as I knew there must be a better solution
    – nimgwfc
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 12:54

5 Answers 5


As far as I'm concerned you want to check, that

  1. The set {'field'} is always contained in the set of your dict keys
  2. The set of your dict keys is always contained in the set {'field', 'group', 'function'}

So just code it!

required_fields = {'field'}
allowed_fields = required_fields | {'group', 'function'}

d = {'field': 123}  # Set any value here

if required_fields <= d.keys() <= allowed_fields:

This solution is scalable for any sets of required and allowed fields unless you have some special conditions (for example, mutually exclusive keys)

(thanks to @Duncan for a very elegant code reduction)

  • @Kolay.Ne I think you need to wrap d.keys() with set like this: set(d.keys())? Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 20:33
  • @CristianGutu That is not necessary, dict.keys returns a set-like view object.
    – Jasmijn
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 0:16
  • @CristianGutu, yeah, this is how my code used to look before. Please, see the history of the editions of my answer to better understand what has changed and you will most likely understand why
    – Kolay.Ne
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 13:09
  • 1
    (Correction of my previous comment) @CristianGutu There might actually be a good reason to do set(d) instead of d.keys(): efficiency. With the data in the code here, I got ~400 ns for required_fields <= d.keys() <= allowed_fields and ~330 ns for required_fields <= set(d) <= allowed_fields. And d.keys() took ~120 ns while set(d) took ~200 ns, so the version with d.keys() lost by 70 ns despite an 80 ns head start. I'm not sure exactly why (my previous reasoning turned out to be false). Commented Oct 4, 2020 at 14:42

Yes, by converting your dict with a dataclass:

from typing import List, Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass

class MyDataclass:
     field: List[str]
     group: Optional[str] = None
     function: Optional[str] = None

result = MyDataclass(["$.name"], "name", "some_function")
# or, equivalently:
result = MyDataclass(field=["$.name"], group="name", function="some_function")

# access with result.field, result.group, result.function

To answer your question directly, you can write the following, and it will throw an exception when a field is missing from the input dictionary:

dict_name = {'field': ['$.name'], 'group': 'name', 'function': 'some_function'}


Note that the above only works when your keys are strings, due to the use of the splat operator. (*)

Once converted to a dataclass, you can safely use it assured that it has the fields. This is less prone to errors, because it prevents you from mixing up a dict checked for missing parameters and an unchecked dict in different parts of your code. See Parse, Don't Validate for a full explanation from a theoretical standpoint.

Dataclasses are the idiomatic way to do it in Python, similar to how objects (dictionaries) are the idiomatic way to do it in JavaScript. In addition, if you're using an IDE with mypy/pyre/PEP 484 support, you will get type hints on objects. Thanks to the bidirectionality of PEP 484, that means if you create a dict with a missing field, and pass it to a function that converts it to a dataclass, the type checker may be able to check the error.

You can convert a dataclass back to a dict using dataclasses.asdict.

Another option is namedtuple.

  • dataclasses are new in Python 3.7, for anyone wondering
    – Aaron F
    Commented Sep 30, 2020 at 15:27
  • @AaronF Most systems that we don't control ourselves today have at least Python 3.6. By the time you finish developing, most systems may already have Python 3.7. Commented Oct 2, 2020 at 15:16
  • Where I am we're stuck on RHEL 8 and Python 3.6, and we only finished the RHEL upgrade at the start of this year, so Python 3.7 is still quite a long way off for me :-(
    – Aaron F
    Commented Oct 2, 2020 at 17:05

You can also use validation packages like schema https://pypi.org/project/schema/

from schema import Schema, And

my_schema = Schema({
    'field': And(str, len),
    'group': And(str, len),
    'function': And(str, len)

data = {
    'field': 'Hello',
    'group': 'This is a group',
    'function': 'some_function'

  • How do you show that group and function are optional? Commented Oct 3, 2020 at 19:53
  • @noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Use Optional(...) around them, eg. Optional('function'): And(str, len), which makes having "function" optional, but when it is given, it must have a non-empty string as its value. Remember to import Optional too, from schema. Commented Oct 3, 2020 at 22:50

dict.keys returns a set-like view backed by the original data. You can take advantage of that to write a very concise test:

allowed = {'field', 'group', 'function'}

if 'field' in dict_name and dict_name.keys() <= allowed:

set operator <= is equivalent to the issubset method.

You can use other set operations for the second condition:

allowed >= dict_name.keys()
len(dict_name.keys() | allowed) <= len(allowed)
not (dict_name.keys() - allowed)

Aside from readability, using operators is the only possibility when using a keys view in some cases. For example, the following fails to run:


But the following works just fine:

dict_name.keys() <= allowed

You can do


But that's likely to wrap dict_name.keys() in an unnecessary set object. At the same time,

allowed >= dict_name.keys()

Will actually flip the operator and use the <= version because of how Python's arithmetic operators resolve types.

  • Nice! I was playing around in the interpreter and got attribute error for issubset on d.keys(). Didn't know you can use the explicit operators though. Thanks for the education :)
    – Tomerikoo
    Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 11:36
  • The union may not be larger than three elements. Really 3 should be len(allowed). That ensures that dict_name.keys() doesn't introduce any new elements Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 11:39

You can use a set of allowed keys and check the dict's keys using the built-in all() function:

allowed_keys = {'field', 'group', 'function'}

if 'field' in d and all(key in allowed_keys for key in d):

This is actually equivalent to the set's issubset() method:

Test whether every element in the set is in other.

So this can become even more compact by casting the dict's keys to a set and checking that they are a sub-set of the allowed keys:

allowed_keys = {'field', 'group', 'function'}

if 'field' in d and set(d).issubset(allowed_keys):

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