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oseiskar's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
81 votes

Cordova : Requirements check failed for JDK 1.8 or greater

36 votes

Converting Swagger specification JSON to HTML documentation

19 votes

Is there a way to deploy into a vagrant VM using Capistrano?

14 votes

Simple ways to disable parts of code

10 votes

Algorithm to produce all partitions of a list in order

9 votes

How to troubleshoot an "AttributeError: __exit__" in multiproccesing in Python?

8 votes

If RAM isn't a concern, is reading line by line faster or reading everything into RAM and access it? - Python

5 votes

Hex String to Int,Short and Long in Scala

5 votes

Algorithm for plotting a group of lines efficiently

4 votes

structfun with vector input

3 votes

Is A* really better than Dijkstra in real-world path finding?

3 votes

TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str with xmltodict:

2 votes

Accessing ActiveRecord virtual attributes programmatically

2 votes

Why cexp(+infinity+I*infinity)=+/-infinity+I*NaN in the C langage?

2 votes

Camera Projection on a Plane

2 votes

coding style of a python function

2 votes

Appending to cstring after assigning the first index

2 votes

Math/Algorithm for Simple Game Programming (Newbie)?

1 vote

How to initialize a pointer to a struct in C?

1 vote

Show translation missing in rails 3 like the rails 2 way

1 vote

How to send instance variables when rendering a partial

1 vote

Grid view height/width formula

1 vote

c++ destructing manual

1 vote

calling awk from python

1 vote

C++ certainity of Integer Division with remainder

1 vote

How to find a function that can approximate another blackbox function programmatically?

1 vote

Can I calculate a transformation matrix given a set of points?

1 vote

check whether matrix has row that is permutation of another and keep only one of it

1 vote

R code analyze csv file larger than 8GB

1 vote

what is the accuracy of plotting lat/long positions on a map?