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Questions tagged [set]

A set is a collection in which no element is repeated, which may be able to enumerate its elements according to an ordering criterion (an "ordered set") or retain no order (an "unordered set").

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2 answers

How to find duplicates in a text file in python and create a new text file with out them

I am trying to remove duplicates from text files to make a current process more efficient Example input: 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 Example Output: 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 my issue is when ...
Kaleb Brookshire's user avatar
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2 answers

Why it Kotlin's Set implementation mutable under the hood?

I just noticed something interesting about Kotlin's Set data structure and its interaction with Java. Consider a List object first. If I have this code in Kotlin: private val aList = listOf(1,2,3) ...
J-bob's user avatar
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Counting OTPs by Sender, Missing first four OTPs from Senders(first) even if the sender has more than 5 Counts

import re, csv import pandas as pd class OTPAnalysis: def __init__(self) -> None: self.total_otp = [] self.count = 0 self.df = None self.sender_count = {} ...
vamshi's user avatar
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JavaScript Set not working correctly locally? [closed]

I'm writing a little tool in NodeJS v20.13.0 and I'm using Sets to avoid handling directly duplicate data. When using the difference method between two set I got the following error: Code example ...
fudo's user avatar
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How do You Convert a List of Strings into a Frozenset and Add it to a Set of Frozensets?

I have a variable with n words, separated by whitespaces. str.split() returns a list of these words, which is then converted to a tuple with tuple(), which is finally converted to a frozenset and ...
F-22 Destroyer's user avatar
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reference_wrapper in c++ containers

Consider following snippet: #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int x=3; int y=1; int z=2; cout<<(&x)<<' '<<(&y)<<' '<&...
Rupa's user avatar
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Data rolled back after 5-7 minutes of running the update on table successfully

I ran an update on the SQL table using the below code, and it updated the table correctly. But after 5-7 minutes, the data rolls back. Why does this happen? I don't see any logs or errors in the SQL ...
Rohmun Bikram Shahi's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why could I allow a duplicate on Kotlin's sets? [closed]

It is known that the set in Kotlin prohibits the content of duplicates. But I was able to create such a set: var c = Card2.`2c` var cards3: Set<Card2> = setOf(c, c) Why is this acceptable? Or ...
Сергей Ружейников's user avatar
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set c++ own comparator function find could not find an already inserted element [duplicate]

I wrote an comparator function for my set which will store an vector of 3 elememts. Those 3 elements will be sorted always. Now i insert the 2 elements in the set. But when i try to find the 2nd ...
lotus airtel300's user avatar
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Conditional Classname with Tailwind React Not Updating Style

selectedTopics.has(topic) is not returning True when it should in this case to display the conditional styling. When I replace selectedTopics.has(topic) with true, the conditional styling is applied ...
SwigitySwogity's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

searching performance in list is better than in set

Searching an element in a set takes O(1) time complexity while searching in a list takes O(n) time complexity. The n is the number of elements in a set or list. In my test on the real searching time ...
Simon Wang's user avatar
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TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' in array to set

in this def i get TypeError: unhashable type: 'numpy.ndarray' in line retrieved_indices_set = set(retrieved_indices) def evaluate_retrieval(query_idx, retrieved_indices, relevant_indices): # ...
Erfan Hamidi's user avatar
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Julia equivalent for MatLab ismembertol

I have two different datasets, say A of dimension (N1,3) and B(N2,3). I want to identify the rows in A which are approximately equal to some rows in B with tolerances tol = [tol1, tol2, tol3]. In ...
green20770's user avatar
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How to add/remove an element from a set in Java while iterating [duplicate]

I know there's a way to do it with ListIterator, but I can't find a SetIterator. Is doing something like this even possible?
CodingMike's user avatar
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1 answer

Overloading Set in Swift

Some background I am very new to Swift and MacOS and trying to learn the Swift way to do things. This started because I realized that tuples are not hashable so I rolled my own: struct XY: Hashable { ...
nilgirian's user avatar
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