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Questions tagged [capistrano]

Capistrano is a developer tool for deploying web applications. It is typically installed on a workstation, and used to deploy code from your source code management (SCM) to one, or more servers.

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Error with openssl while deploying with GitHub Actions

I have an issue while deploying with Here's my workflow: name: Deploy with Capistrano on: push: branches: [main] workflow_dispatch: ...
Konstantin Prakhov's user avatar
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Ruby Passenger + Nginx - Error code explanation: HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND - Nothing matches the given URI

I am getting an error attempting to deploy my rails application using capistrano/nginx and passenger, capistrano is working fine and I can run my deploy command just fine however I cannot access my ...
Asmithdev's user avatar
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How to set ExecStart for Puma service for a Rails app (rvm)?

I am trying to properly configure the setup of my puma service, but still unsuccessfully. My nginx.conf looks like this: upstream puma { server unix:///home/rails/myapps/myproj/shared/tmp/sockets/...
user984621's user avatar
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Puma not creating pid file. Connection Refused error by Nginx on puma configuration

Puma socket does not exist under sockets folder yet puma is running under systemd service tail -n10 /var/log/nginx/access.log - - [15/Apr/2024:08:30:00 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" ...
Mutuma's user avatar
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Capistrano: Puma doesn't start the server (Ubuntu)

I have a Rails app that I am trying to deploy to the Ubuntu server. This server is on DigitalOcean and it is the 1-click Rails package. The Rails app uses Capistrano - here are the gems that I ...
user984621's user avatar
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Prevent jobs on the cluster from running on production code during deployment

I have a script that runs for a few minutes as a job on the cluster in the production environment. There are between 0 and 100 such jobs, each with 1 script per job, running at the same time on the ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
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Relation RubyGems, Ruby Version, Bundler Version, RVM and Capistrano Conflict

I have an ancient Ruby on Rails project that uses a Capistrano installation process. It currently runs Ruby 2.5.1 and Rails 5.2. I have been working on an updated version and while doing so probably ...
MDickten's user avatar
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Can not deploy Ruby on Rails app which was deployable till Dec 2023

I have a Ruby application that has been used for years and since December 2023 I can no longer deploy it. I use capistrano for deploy. Ruby should be version 2.6.1. When deploying, it gives me an ...
Crni Mrki's user avatar
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git config file permission lost after `git remote set-url origin https://`

I was using capistrano for the deployment cap production deploy, the error message from capistrano DEBUG [3730481e] fatal: unable to access './config': Permission denied I found it's because ...
wanfujinan's user avatar
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Capistrano task not released console after execution of cli commend

Rails 7. Ruby 3.1.0 App has Capistrano for deployment in deployment we have many rake taks when we run individual task all run fine but when I so full run with cap deploy after few task it get stuck ...
jayesh's user avatar
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How can I restart a rails application on a digital oceans without a reboot

I'll try to be brief. I have multiple rails apps running on a Digital Oceans rps. Currently 3 but I've had more. All deployed with Capistrano. Two or rails 7.0, one is 7.1.2. The server is Ubuntu 18....
appleII717's user avatar
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Missing encryption key to decrypt a file. RAILS_ENV=production bin/rails c

I tried deploying a ruby on rails app using capistrano and i'm currently having an issue with production env keys. It says Missing encryption key to decrypt file with. Ask your team for your master ...
Sabita Nepal's user avatar
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Production environment not referencing fingerprinted asssets

An asset is called in a view as <%= image_tag('union_15') %> In development mode the HTML generated is correct and renders as expected: <img src="/assets/union_15-...
Jerome's user avatar
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ActiveStorage directory and application migrations

The rails guide has no indications as to setting up a server to take into account migrations. The way things are set-up with capistrano, this means that the storage directory would be overwritten upon ...
Jerome's user avatar
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Puma phased-restart not change state to new release folder?

Puma config Puma: 6.4.0 #!/usr/bin/env puma directory "/home/prj/current" rackup "/home/prj/current/" environment "staging" pidfile "/home/prj/shared/tmp/...
Nguyen Ruby's user avatar

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