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xehpuk's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
118 votes

Easy way to convert Iterable to Collection

107 votes

Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection?

40 votes

Why do people still use primitive types in Java?

30 votes

Final fields initialization order

21 votes

How to average BigDecimals using Streams?

19 votes

Java: Simple HTTP Server application that responds in JSON

18 votes

Java: Calling superclass' constructor which calls overridden method which sets a field of subclass

18 votes

Java BufferedImage to PNG format Base64 String

14 votes

addEventListener in a React app isn't working

11 votes

Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection?

10 votes

Convert Iterator to List

9 votes

Convert a Set<Integer> to a primitive array

8 votes

Reversing a Queue<Integer> and converting it into an int array

7 votes

Copying and mutating row in a .docx table

7 votes

Change event for textarea

5 votes

In Node.js how to notice a missing function?

5 votes

React ternary operator how to call 2 functions?

5 votes

How to convert following method to java 8?

5 votes

Regex matching imports of a class

5 votes

Covert UTF-16 Character Code (number) to String in Java

4 votes

Comparing substrings in Java

4 votes

How to get the dimensions of the visible part of the JScrollPane-based window

4 votes

Java Programming ---> Future [ inputs . length ]

4 votes

Using Lambda expression to replace chars in string using HashMap

4 votes

Java 8 predicate to select the max

4 votes

In Java, is there a cleaner approach to an if statement with a slew of ||'s

4 votes

How can I select just the first X characters from a text column

4 votes

indexedDB highest keypath

3 votes

Redux: How to create state based on other state?

3 votes

why Javascript async/await code run async in parellel

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