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VB.NET Button Method not setting Visibility to True

In VB.NET Button click event I am unable to set Visible = true. In all examples in the code below the Control visible property is set to False although the code is setting it to True? Does anyone ...
dibello.4's user avatar
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Panel visibility

Forgive me as this is my first post and I am far from being IT savvy but I have been working on a project for my new job... I am using Visual Studio 2017 and a Web form template. I have ...
NutellaSpoon's user avatar
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Making Elements not possible to manipulate Visibility

I have a ASP-WebForm-Application with several User-Rights. In CodeBehind I am hiding some Elements if the specific Rights aren't given. But with F12 the User could manipulate the Code the get some ...
comidos's user avatar
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62 views visibility of button depended on DataTable row value

I would like to add button to ListView only for some of rows. I have something like "online chat" and I want to add delete option only for one user. It is complicated because I would like to have "...
Paweł Kierski's user avatar
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Show / Hide Panel with 1 imagebutton

I'm new to and C#. Right now, I'm creating a small webpage with panels etc. Situation: I got a Panel (let's say Panel1). And an Imagebutton (Button1). I can Show the Panel (onclick event) in ...
Diego Bell's user avatar
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asp:Content still visible when using Visible="False"

I have a master page with couple ContentPlaceHolder inside it and added some content page of this master page. I would like to set Visible="False" on one asp:Content in some page but it's not ...
Surya's user avatar
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Setting display none of an asp panel in client side is re-showing it on any linkButtonclick

I am facing a weird issue with visibility of an asp-panel. I have a small form which contains a button inside a panel that makes a div visible. <div id="myModal" class="modal" style="display: none"...
Mlle 116's user avatar
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Pass variable used in aspx page to user control

We are in ASP.Net Webforms. I come from a LAMP Stack mindset... ASPX Code (part of it) <asp:Content runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="PH_MainContent"> <h3 class="fleft"> &...
Alain's user avatar
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Button inside content panel in content page can not call div from master page to be displayed

In my Master Page I have a div "ErrorDiv" that I want to call from my content pages to display my error. The problem is that if a button was included inside an Update Panel, div is not shown when I ...
Mlle 116's user avatar
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4 answers

Enable/Disable Controls on selection of Radio using jquery

I am trying to Enable/Disable certain controls depending upon the selection of Radio. it doesn't seem to be working. I want the disabled text and radio fields to be enabled when yes radio is selected. ...
Aaditya Ganapathy's user avatar
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How to change image visibility in JavaScript?

I tried this, with no success : JS : function Hide() { alert('Hide'); document.getElementById('I').style.visibility = 'none'; } function show() { alert('Show'); document....
Sportalcraft's user avatar
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104 views visible button when 2 parameters match

Hello I want to make a button visibile when UserId stored in database match with current UserId. string clientId = Context.User.Identity.GetUserId(); JobDescriptions job = ...
Wttftyh Gytyf's user avatar
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How to change visibility of FooterRow and Columns on Button Click - C#

I have a GridView with about 16 columns, for aesthetic reasons I only want to display certain columns, however if a user wants to insert a row (which uses the footer row) I would need to make the ...
Kristin Vernon's user avatar
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Hidden control seen as visible by jQuery

I have a table as such: <table class="RepaymentTable"> <thead> <tr> <td style="width: 200px;"> </td> <td> ...
anothershrubery's user avatar
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How to hide a column inside a repeater when checkbox is checked?

What I am trying to do is access a column (which has the header title "Add to Shopping List") inside a repeater (areaRepeater) that is inside another repeater (locationRepeater). I want to hide it if ...
Dejsa Cocan's user avatar
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Render a hidden element inside another hidden element using visible true

THE PROBLEM When a container is set to visible="true" its contents do not render if also set to visible="true" at the same time. EXAMPLE When visible="true" is set for a template field and a ...
DreamTeK's user avatar
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Does "display:none" render the control ineffective?

I am using a CMS for my site and im trying to alter the Skin of one module in the CMS. I do not have the source code of the module. Only the skin where i can only modify the way the components are ...
MarsOne's user avatar
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C# Textbox not populating when button is not visible

I am having an odd reaction to hiding a button. On the form there is a text box and a button next to it. When the user clicks the button, the textbox is populated with the next available job number. ...
Peter's user avatar
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Visible property not showing the controls

I have created an aspx page in which I want some controls to be enabled on basis of user selection. If user selects All two radio buttons should be enabled, hide otherwise. My declarative part is: ...
Mohemmad K's user avatar
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Why is the content inside the invisible asp:PlaceHolder rendered?

Why is the content inside the placeholder rendered? This code results in: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." For the MainGuard object! How should one handle this situation? <...
Morten Holmgaard's user avatar
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Toggle visibility of a boundfield on CheckedChanged event

I have a gridview with a couple of BoundFields in. What I wish to do is once I check (or un-check) a specific checkbox <asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowExtra" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" ...
Magnus's user avatar
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panel visibility does not working inside update panel

I have an update panel which contains a label and a panel, with "visible=false" for both of them..when user clicked the report button a please wait pop up appears and after that results are shown, it ...
Paridokht's user avatar
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how to Hide and Show a table of html Template using C#?

I am using html template for Email and i want to hide its one table at some condition by code behind, how can i do it, please suggest me. I am wondering how can i do it, i am not able to find any way, ...
Ram's user avatar
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How to get the style of the element in code behind changed by JavaScript

I have a some ASP.NET table rows that are initially invisible. On a click I am running a Javascript function that is changing the style of the table rows showing it or hiding it. To show it : ...
Patrik's user avatar
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div section visibility true/false on certain pages

im a newbie in and i have a issue. i need to make my div section visible only on some pages. i placed attribute style:(not with " on start of course) <div ID="id1" class="grid-box width33 ...
Nevena's user avatar
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How to hide toggle div when clicking anywhere on the page?

I Hide/Show elements with .toggle() <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 250px;z-index:7"> <div class="Search" style="display: none;" > <table width="100%" style="...
Niloo's user avatar
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How to use DropDown list for Client Side?

I am new to I am creating website which have DropDown list and few other controls.. Whenever I change dropdown selected index, if it is equals to one of Item then I want to display controls ...
Radix's user avatar
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Visibility of an ASP.Net button which depends if a file exists in database

I have a gridview which has a few rows (each with a unique rowId), and each line has a FileUpload control, now everything works okay with FileUpload. (my uploaded file database image can be seen ...
HOY's user avatar
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changing visibility contentplaceholder not working immediately

I have a simple webpage that contains of 2 RadioButton lists. When the form is submitted some more complex code is executed, which takes some time (5-10 seconds) to execute. I want to simply ...
user1728437's user avatar
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How access hidden button using javascript

i have a link button to remove the selected value in the user control. If we are adding value to the control means i have to make this link button visible. so i am passing the client id of the link ...
Geeth's user avatar
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Disable Buttons according to logged in user

I am accepting a userID and want to check if there is any Project Owners with the same ID. If there exists a Project Owner I should only have the "Move Down" Button Enabled and all other buttons ...
Pradit's user avatar
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Disable Buttons C#

The SetVisibility checks against a database if all the buttons should be enabled or not. I want to disable all buttons if setvisility(UserID) == false This part of the Code disables only alternating ...
Pradit's user avatar
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JavaScript don't hide text area in

I have strange problem with Javascript, I am trying to implement system to update some stuff, and when I press button I want to hide everything except 'MainContent_UpdateProgress', but text area is ...
Full_Int's user avatar
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Change Form Field Visibility in ModalPopupExtender

Wanted to know if there's a way to change a form field's visibility within a ModalPopup (from ModalPopupExtender) based upon a DropDownList's change in value. This page's technique doesn't seem to ...
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ASP.NET: Dealing with Master Pages. Administrative Project

I'm trying to understand how this works. My idea is to make administrable project using Master Pages like this: Admin Head Section User Head Section ----------------- Admin Content PlaceHolder User ...
Darj's user avatar
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stackpanel visibility editing in silverlight

I am working on silverlight web application (RIA) hosted on to a silverlight web application. Background: I have a stackpanel in one of the xaml pages. I tried to simplify my problem. It is down as ...
Naga Sandeep's user avatar
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Enable a ASP hidden label in Javascript

I Have a asp label <asp:Label ID="lblstarUKRollNo" Visible="false" runat="server" Text="*" CssClass="star"></asp:Label> and i want to enable it onchange of another textbox which calls a ...
Ishan's user avatar
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ASP.NET Control visibility dilemma

I've got a Page, a GridView using an ObjectDataSource with a SelectMethod and a DropDownList. The SelectMethod, among other things, gets a string-array containing several IDs (to filter the Data) - ...
Dennis Röttger's user avatar
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Dynamic textbox ID in .aspx.cs

I have a question on C#. I use the GridView ItemTemplate to add a textbox to a whole column. I add the ID to the drop down list in ItemTemplate. Therefore, the generated ID of drop down list is '...
Dickson Lee's user avatar
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How to control the visibility of the top and/or bottom pager in DevExpress ASPxDataView

I am trying to control the visibility for the pagers on the top and the bottom of the DevExpress ASPxDataView control. One can control the visibility of both the pagers at the same time using the ...
user1097553's user avatar
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Change an object visibility with javascript using a checkbox?

i'm really sorry if this question have been asked before but I couldn't find it. Working on a ASP.NET/C# web application. i am creating a label in the code behind and adding it to the page (all ...
Y2theZ's user avatar
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Controlling visibility of an UpdatePanel on SelectedIndexChanged

After several hours of debugging this issue (see title) I am resorting to the internets. To state in advance, yes I have read the "Questions with similar titles" whilst creating this question. While ...
Ken's user avatar
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Asp net validation error message is never display

I'm using a RequiredFieldValidator to check a field as follow : <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="field" Text=""></asp:TextBox> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="fieldValidator" runat="...
MrLuje's user avatar
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Creating Repeater that is hidden but remains in the markup for Javascript use

Right now I have two repeaters: 1 will be shown when the page loads, the other one I want to remain hidden until a link "Add Stuff" has been clicked. When this is clicked I would ideally like to use ...
Matt's user avatar
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RDLC Report Column Visibility Problem in Group By

I have an rdlc report in I have a table in it and I am using group by in that table. But the columns which I make Parent Group or child group has Column Visibility Disabled. Notes Column is ...
asma's user avatar
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Problem with setting visibility of div in aspx page

I have a div in checkout.aspx page. The contents of div are as follows: <div id="PaymentDetails" runat="server" style="text-align:center" visible="true"> <asp:Label ID="PaymentDetailsLbl"...
Sreedhar Danturthi's user avatar
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How to set the div tag visible on post back ASP.NET

I have a textbox that is used for searching. upon clicking the ok button and posting back, the function is called, and gets matching results by using sql query in the aspx.cs file this information ...
user478636's user avatar
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Gridview's footer is not visible

I have put some controls in Gridview's footer template, but at run time they are not visible why
Student's user avatar
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Retrieve value of TextBox from another class

I have a C# class from which I would like to access a string contained within a TextBox. The TextBox is defined in a an .ascx file. What headers should I put in the class to be able to access this ...
kay's user avatar
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DetailsView resetting visibility on bind?

I am using entity framework 4.0 to bind a database object to a DetailsView on an ascx control. Within the DetailsView, I have a number of asp:panels that I'd like to show/hide depending on what's ...
Chad's user avatar
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