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ASP.NET Web server controls are objects on ASP.NET Web pages that run when the page is requested and that render markup to a browser. Many Web server controls resemble familiar HTML elements, such as buttons and text boxes. Other controls encompass complex behavior, such as a calendar controls, and controls that manage data connections.
0 votes
1 answer

Filtering query

can anyone help me. I'm trying to get results from my query but can't get them to work. i'm making query in connection table whitch connects other 3 tables.. and for a result i need to get Radnja....
Mujo Mujic's user avatar
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1 answer

Set value in user Control textbox with select index changed web forms

I am trying to set value from the database when the button select is click in the gridview. Here is the code behind of my control, I have get and set each textbox: public string candiType { ...
DeathStriker2's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

.Net: Does controller have to have file name corresponding to URL?

I'm following this tutorial on .Net controllers, and it says "imagine that you enter the following URL into the address bar of your browser: http://localhost/Product/Index/3. In this case, a ...
RNdev's user avatar
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Button gets disabled when clicked second time

I have the following button on my page <asp:Button ID="btnSignoff" runat="server" Text="Sign Off & Send" CssClass="btn btn-primary" OnClientClick="openSignOffModal(); return false;"/> ...
Samra's user avatar
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7 votes
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ASP.Net ListView Grouping by Data Field?

I uses listview control to display the details. Each item has the group details. For demo purposes group is hard coded. I want to display the listview as shown below Right now, I have this ...
One Developer's user avatar
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2 answers

Why doesn't repeater repeat 3 images per row but 1 ?

I have used asp's repeater to repeat 3 images per row but it shows only 1 image per row. why ? I have tried every way I could but no effect. <asp:Repeater ID="rptrImages" runat="server"> ...
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Create horizontal Treeview Control in ASP.NET

Hi all of you knowledgeable folk, I am a Jr developer, so bear with me as I try to make sense. I recently received a client requirement that requires a sort of "menu", if you will, of items with ...
AspiringNetDev's user avatar
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Page is not postback on button click event with required field validation control

I am using required field validation control on all textboxes and drop down list. When I press button page is not post back but if any textbox or drop down list is empty it will show error message on ...
Syed Usama's user avatar
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asp:Content still visible when using Visible="False"

I have a master page with couple ContentPlaceHolder inside it and added some content page of this master page. I would like to set Visible="False" on one asp:Content in some page but it's not ...
Surya's user avatar
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In ASP.NET Web Forms I want to get control inside child Repeater with javascript

I have Parent repeater which contains another child repeater. For simplicity let's say that the child repeater contains text box and Requiredvalidator. Simple example of the markup: <asp:Repeater ...
Marzouk's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Obtain strongly typed header class in ASP.NET Core

How do you obtain a strongly typed header class from the namespace System.Net.Http.Headers from an ASP.NET Core controller? In a controller derived from Controller, Request.Headers is available, but ...
Edward Brey's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to add correctly a script to a control?

I have this code: Dim script = New HtmlGenericControl("script") script.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript") script.InnerText = "var alohaInterval = setInterval(function() {if (typeof Aloha === ""...
Lajos Arpad's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get TagName of Control if exists?

I have written this code: If (AlohaEnabled) Then Dim head As Control = Nothing For Each control In Master.Controls Dim field = control.GetType.GetField("TagName") ...
Lajos Arpad's user avatar
0 votes
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Adding an label in between the tags of a parent label control when adding from the code-behind

I am adding a parent label to my page in the code-behind like this: Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.ID = "lblPrimary"; lbl.Text = "Testing"; placeholder.Controls.Add(lbl); I need the end output ...
Blake Rivell's user avatar
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4 answers

Asp.Net Dropdownlist Set Item View limit

I have a country DropDownList in Asp.Net Page.I Bind DropDownList from Database. it gives me 239 item. and it is very large scroll in page. so, my Question how to set 10 item in Dropdown and then ...
Kuldip Rana's user avatar

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