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13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to hide a column inside a repeater when checkbox is checked?

What I am trying to do is access a column (which has the header title "Add to Shopping List") inside a repeater (areaRepeater) that is inside another repeater (locationRepeater). I want to hide it if ...
Dejsa Cocan's user avatar
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panel visibility does not working inside update panel

I have an update panel which contains a label and a panel, with "visible=false" for both of them..when user clicked the report button a please wait pop up appears and after that results are shown, it ...
Paridokht's user avatar
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div section visibility true/false on certain pages

im a newbie in and i have a issue. i need to make my div section visible only on some pages. i placed attribute style:(not with " on start of course) <div ID="id1" class="grid-box width33 ...
Nevena's user avatar
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VB.NET Button Method not setting Visibility to True

In VB.NET Button click event I am unable to set Visible = true. In all examples in the code below the Control visible property is set to False although the code is setting it to True? Does anyone ...
dibello.4's user avatar
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Pass variable used in aspx page to user control

We are in ASP.Net Webforms. I come from a LAMP Stack mindset... ASPX Code (part of it) <asp:Content runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="PH_MainContent"> <h3 class="fleft"> &...
Alain's user avatar
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Button inside content panel in content page can not call div from master page to be displayed

In my Master Page I have a div "ErrorDiv" that I want to call from my content pages to display my error. The problem is that if a button was included inside an Update Panel, div is not shown when I ...
Mlle 116's user avatar
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104 views visible button when 2 parameters match

Hello I want to make a button visibile when UserId stored in database match with current UserId. string clientId = Context.User.Identity.GetUserId(); JobDescriptions job = ...
Wttftyh Gytyf's user avatar
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How to change visibility of FooterRow and Columns on Button Click - C#

I have a GridView with about 16 columns, for aesthetic reasons I only want to display certain columns, however if a user wants to insert a row (which uses the footer row) I would need to make the ...
Kristin Vernon's user avatar
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C# Textbox not populating when button is not visible

I am having an odd reaction to hiding a button. On the form there is a text box and a button next to it. When the user clicks the button, the textbox is populated with the next available job number. ...
Peter's user avatar
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Visible property not showing the controls

I have created an aspx page in which I want some controls to be enabled on basis of user selection. If user selects All two radio buttons should be enabled, hide otherwise. My declarative part is: ...
Mohemmad K's user avatar
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Visibility of an ASP.Net button which depends if a file exists in database

I have a gridview which has a few rows (each with a unique rowId), and each line has a FileUpload control, now everything works okay with FileUpload. (my uploaded file database image can be seen ...
HOY's user avatar
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Disable Buttons according to logged in user

I am accepting a userID and want to check if there is any Project Owners with the same ID. If there exists a Project Owner I should only have the "Move Down" Button Enabled and all other buttons ...
Pradit's user avatar
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DetailsView resetting visibility on bind?

I am using entity framework 4.0 to bind a database object to a DetailsView on an ascx control. Within the DetailsView, I have a number of asp:panels that I'd like to show/hide depending on what's ...
Chad's user avatar
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