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Questions tagged [virtualscroll]

A UI technique dedicated to increase the performance of large scrollable lists by rendering only a small portion of the data at a moment and virtualising other parts of the dataset, so that the scrollbar parameters remain consistent and a user experiences the result interface close to the original one (without virtualisation)

70 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
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Vue - virtual scroll for table

I'd like you to recommend me a package that can take advantage of a virtual scroll / recycler scroll for a table in Vue. I tried these two libraries: ...
Dusan's user avatar
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Angular cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport mouse scrolling not working in horizontal orientation with mouse wheel only

Is there any way to activate mouse scrolling in the cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport for the horizontal orientation? As we can also see in the example from angular material, you can scroll only by ...
uzzi's user avatar
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Is it possible to use CDK Virtual Scroll Viewport with CDK A11y - ActiveDescendantKeyManager?

I am using <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> with a fixed items size for virtual scrolling. Furthermore I use ActiveDescendantKeyManager provided by CDK A11y to move with the arrow keys inside the ...
MichaelShake's user avatar
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Virtual scroll in angular 6 with material table

I wanna use a virtual scroll with the angular material table. and I don't want to use pagination function. my code is like below. <mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource"> <ng-container ...
whereJERRY's user avatar
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how to overflow horizontally out of position relative with vertical scroll-bar (create popover inside ngx-virtual-scroller)

I have a sidebar with a vertical virtual scroll. Whenever I hover over an item in this scroll container, a popover show up, giving more information about the item (for example in the container a name ...
Stoffel's user avatar
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How to use vue-virtual-scroller with Element UI Table?

I use Element UI Table in a project and wondering how I can use vue-virtual-scroller with it. I couldn't figure out a way because in all virtual-scroller examples I saw, it was expected(as expected) ...
Praveen Puglia's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to combine cdkVirtualScroll with cdkTable?

I'm looking for a working virtual scroll table with fixed headers, so I found the Cdk which is great but the documentation is really difficult to follow. At the moment I'm trying to combine the ...
Lars's user avatar
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Angular - Horizontal virtual scrolling with multiple columns

I would like to build the attached functionality, where I have around 20k items. I have tried mat cdk virtual scroller, but it is not working as it provides a single column with a horizontal scroll. ...
Ankit Malik's user avatar
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Angular 2 kendo grid virtual scroll paging not working properly while drag and drop scroll bar

I am working on a demo for virtual scroll with kendo grid. I am using remote data(API call from service). When I drag and drop my scroll bar to bottom of the grid then last page data (Here pagesize = ...
Aarsh's user avatar
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How to implement virtual horizontal scroll for the Antd table?

I am experiencing performance issues with an Ant Design (Antd) table containing more than 200 columns. You can preview the problem here: Antd Table. AntD supports vertical virtual scrolling, but not ...
Joy Boy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add virtual scrolling to an ant design table with custom components?

I am looking for a way to add virtual scrolling to my ant design table. I found some libaries to achieve that (virtualized-table-for-antd, antd-virtualized, ...), but they seams be no longer under ...
Luxaaa's user avatar
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Use Angular Virtual Scrolling with a ui5-table web component having a sticky header

When I use Angular Virtual Scrolling with a ui5-table web component having the sticky-column-header flag set to true the column headers move to the bottom when scrolling down (randomly jumping between)...
FelixD's user avatar
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Setting dynamic height for Angular CDK virtual scroll viewport

I'm working on Angular table with usage of cdk Virtual Scroll. Do you know if there is any way to set the dynamic height of scroll viewport? Everything works fine with standard style property but I ...
Dorota Wójcik's user avatar
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Virtual Scroll issue in Angular Universal

I'm using angular 7 projects with universal integrated to it working around virtual scroll feature and am getting the following error(for server-side rendering) ReferenceError: window is not ...
Madhusudan Yadav's user avatar
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I am adding scroller over mat-grid-list which display 5 columns in a row. virtual scroller is not loading data on scroller

I have added the virtual scroller over mat grid list as follows <virtual-scroller #scroll [items]="tiles" (vsEnd)="onVsEnd($event)" flex="100" style="width:80vw" bufferAmount="10"> ...
user3768904's user avatar

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