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How to implement virtual horizontal scroll for the Antd table?

I am experiencing performance issues with an Ant Design (Antd) table containing more than 200 columns. You can preview the problem here: Antd Table. AntD supports vertical virtual scrolling, but not ...
Joy Boy's user avatar
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how to style item with grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)) in virtual scroll how to make in virtual scroll list item to grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr)) maybe cause items has style absolute, i dont know, in general i need to ...
Salome's user avatar
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How to add virtual scrolling to an ant design table with custom components?

I am looking for a way to add virtual scrolling to my ant design table. I found some libaries to achieve that (virtualized-table-for-antd, antd-virtualized, ...), but they seams be no longer under ...
Luxaaa's user avatar
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