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Questions tagged [validationrules]

A validation rule is a criterion used in the process of data validation, after the data has been encoded onto an input medium. This is distinct from formal verification, where the operation of a program is determined to be correct per the specification.

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How to pass information from the view model to a validation rule

I'm quite new to programming C# and WPF. I have two TextBoxes where I want to validate user input with validation rules: <TextBox x:Name="TextBox1"> <TextBox.Text> ...
user25180321's user avatar
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I want to add a Validation rule to prevent a date prior to todays date

The below is what I am supposed to do: Please label this field as “Date of Mailing” on the UI This field should display under Cancellation Effective Date The name should be dateOfMailing The default ...
user23593950's user avatar
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Why isn't my validation api or validation annotations working in my project?

Here are my 2 domain classes: package tacos; import java.util.List; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import lombok.Data; @Data public class Taco { ...
TuuRash's user avatar
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Validation rules to prevent record creation

I've got 2 objects Opportunity (standard) and billing schedule (custom). We want to prevent record 'Billing schedule' creation by a certain user (profil) when the opportunity stage name is : Win or ...
Laetitia Da's user avatar
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How can I bind a ValueRange Maximum and Minimum using Dependency property?

I'm working with a user control that includes a shared DataGrid used by multiple user controls. To customize the 'Maximum' and 'Minimum' values for each user control, I've implemented Dependency ...
abdou_dev's user avatar
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ValidationRule with UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus not firing when textbox loses focus

I am attempting to implement validation for form data in a WPF application. View <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0 5 0 5"> <TextBlock Style="{...
Tim Jones's user avatar
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WPF. Duplicat ValidationRule for collection items

I have ObservableCollection and ItemsControl public ObservableCollection<SomeData> Datas { get; } I`am trying to validate a duplicate exists. <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Datas}...
limeniye's user avatar
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Data validation doesn't work in a calculated field in Access Form

I am having problem in data validation in one of my continuous subforms. There is a total score (TScore) field which is calculated (total of "Score" field) and a max score (MaxScore) field. ...
Nashid Iftekhar's user avatar
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Salesforce Opportunity Stage Validation Rule - Admin to edit everything, Users to close but not edit anymore

I don't have any experience with Validation Rules on SFDC and I am looking for a validation rule that would allow a ProfileID = System Administrator to be able to close, edit, reopen a Closed/Won ...
Nikolay G's user avatar
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Laravel 8.x Password Defaults Validation

I am trying to use the Laravel's Rule\Password::defaults($callback) to add validation rules for registering users. As per documentation of the defaults function: Set the default callback to be used ...
alinescul's user avatar
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How did we combine a sequence to commit branches in GitLab?

I'm facing syntax issue ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^[A-Z][0-9][-_]SPRINT[0-9]+/i) ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^SPRINT[0-9]+/i) ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^[A-Z]SPRINT[0-9]+/i)] (SPRINT-branch name) can you please ...
Cyril I's user avatar
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Validation rule property: how to bind without using dependency properties

In my WPF MVVM app I have a TextBox which has bound a validation rule. In validation rule class I have below property: public bool CanBeValidated { get; set; } = false; Then in the view my TextBox ...
Willy's user avatar
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WPF TextBox not displaying validation error message

I have bound a validation rule to my WPF TextBox in order to control what user types in. WPF TextBox: <TextBox Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" ...
Willy's user avatar
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Setting Validation.ErrorTemplate as Style on a WPF TextBox is causing a binding error exception

In my WPF app I have a below resource: <ResourceDictionary> <Style x:Key="OnErrorTextBoxStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Style.Triggers> ...
Willy's user avatar
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How do I validate email in array laravel

I am sending data request in this format to my laravel backend application array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ "email" => "[email protected]" "role_id" => 2 ] 1 =&...
etranz's user avatar
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