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Questions tagged [itemscontrol]

Represents a control that can be used to present a collection of items.

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Get ItemsControl Items collection as collection of visual elements

I'm developing a graphics library. The principle is quite simple, all chart types inherit from a BaseChart class, which inherits from ItemsControl. This BaseChart offers a Render() method and requires ...
JhonWPF's user avatar
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Overlay multiple ImageSources automatically in WinUI / WPF using Itemsrepeater/ItemsControl

I have created several Bitmaps with a transparent background to display data. The data loads correctly, but I'm having trouble overlaying these images. I need help adjusting the layout of an ...
user23527758's user avatar
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how to change Canvas.left of items in a ItemsControl?

I want to wrap some Rectangles on a Canvas.The details of rectangles are in a list in my viewmodel.I succeeded drawing the rectangles,but failed to make them movable.In my eventhandler Canvas.GetLeft()...
xlxdd's user avatar
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WinUI 3 - Programmatic Scroll to Virtualized Item in ItemsControl (not ListView)

I'm making a custom ItemsControl subclass with a fairly typical template: <Style TargetType="local:MyControl"> <Setter Property="ItemsPanel"> <Setter....
Emperor Eto's user avatar
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WPF. How to wrap two ItemsControl´s using same row?

Abstracting, I have two (main) ItemsControl's that draw their content in a wrapping way. I use WrapPanel etc. This works well so far. Also in case the window size is changed during runtime. But I ...
displayname's user avatar
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Is there something can stretch to fill all remaining space when using ItemsControl

I made a simple custom control to contain some parameter, and put all of these controls in a ItemsControl like this. I have tried all my mind to stretch the items for filling all remaining space, but ...
ygfsj's user avatar
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DataTemplate inside ListView (with VirtualizingStackPanel) causing StackOverflow

I have a data type, Metadata, that contains a file path to either a video or an image. I'm attempting to use a DataTemplate to display that data type. There's going to be thousands of these objects, ...
Terminal2772's user avatar
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WPF - Create ImageGrid with ItemsControl?

sorry to bug you with a beginner question. I am trying to achieve an Image Grid (like in a comic viewer or a movie database) with WPF in C#. Now I tried to use ListView and ListBox initially but I did ...
Jensolo's user avatar
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Pass a property from an ItemsControl source class into a converter parameter

I have an ItemsControl like this <ItemsControl Name="itemsControl"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ToggleButton Style="{...
Hans GD's user avatar
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User control inside ItemsControl doesn't populate with mocked properties

I'm making a demo app where a simple class Fruit with two properties Name and Color is displayed in a FruitUC with a field for each. In a ProduceVM class I fill an ObservableCollection ...
Eric Eggers's user avatar
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ItemsControl that contains bound ComboBox in ItemTemplate (WPF MVVM with Caliburn.Micro)

I'm stuck with a problem to select one item in a single combo box from a list of combo boxes bound in a ItemTemplate. When I select a value in one, that value gets updated in all of them. It resembles ...
Razvan Dumitrescu's user avatar
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Why all TextBoxes in ItemsControl use the last dynamically-added ValidationRule?

I have a custom TextBox that adds MinMaxValidationRule when both Min and Max properties are set public class TextBox2 : TextBox { public static readonly DependencyProperty MinProperty = ...
Muhammad Sulaiman's user avatar
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WPF. Duplicat ValidationRule for collection items

I have ObservableCollection and ItemsControl public ObservableCollection<SomeData> Datas { get; } I`am trying to validate a duplicate exists. <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Datas}...
limeniye's user avatar
-1 votes
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Edit the canvas.Top and Left in itemsControlTemplate wpf

So I'm using mvvm to bind some elements in an item control witch has a canvas in the ItemsPanel. I want to change Canvas.Top and Left of the elements inside itemsControl when ever it's clicked. xaml ...
Danial's user avatar
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"Canvas" methods doesn't work in itemsControl

Canvas methods always work when they are in a canvas tag, but When you tryna use them in an itemsControl, they sometimes stop working. here's an example: <ItemsControl> <ItemsControl....
Danial's user avatar
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