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Questions tagged [unix-timestamp]

The number of seconds between a particular date and the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970

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Kafka - migrating date from sqlserver (type: [datetime2](7)) to cockroach database table with "Timestamp" column

We have data stored in SQL Server and we are in need to migrate these data into cockroach database. For this requirement, we are trying to set up a Kafka Pipeline to stream the data from source ...
Amit's user avatar
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Can we use SFTP GET command to retrieve the latest file from the directory? [duplicate]

I looked for a solution to retrieve the latest file from the directory and found in google in this very website. latest_remote_file = $(ssh username@server_name 'ls -tr /path | tail -n 1') scp -r ...
Brindha Sharadha's user avatar
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ls -rt | tail -n 1 does not work inside theJCL - piping symbol causing issue

I am facing a very strange problem, this command ls -rt | tail -n 1 works in linux server in the putty, but the same command when I give inside the JCL, for some unknown reason doesn't work. //SYSUT1 ...
Brindha Sharadha's user avatar
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pandas date column to unix timestamp accounting for timezone and varying datetime formats

I have multiple data frames with a datetime column as a string. Datetime formats vary across columns in the dataframe or across dataframes. I want to get a unix timestamp that gets interpreted by an ...
Ted M.'s user avatar
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get current UTC posix timestamp in better resolution than seconds in Python

I am trying to get a UTC posix timestamp in better resolution than seconds – milliseconds would be acceptable, but microseconds would be better. I need that as a synchronization for unrelated external ...
Jan Spurny's user avatar
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Convert UTC string datetime into millisecond UTC timestamp

In C++20, under UNIX systems (no portability is required), how do I convert a UTC string date time of the following format: "2024-04-26T14:33:30.185Z" into a UNIX UTC numeric timestamp ? I ...
student_1's user avatar
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gorm how to declare a unix timestamp mills field that is not auto updated

We have a timestamp field in a database table, it should only be updated when a business event occurs, not upon create / every update. There are examples of auto update at
alok's user avatar
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C# DateTime.Parse method losses nanosecond precision of the timestamp string

I need to convert an RFC-3339 formatted timestamp (e.g. "2024-01-04T14:30:00.119919872Z") to a unix nanosecond timestamp (e.g. 1704378600119919872). However, the C# DateTime structures ...
Treker's user avatar
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How can I calculate the Unix time taking into account the time zone?

Example: SELECT SESSIONTIMEZONE, DT, TRUNC( (DT - date '1970-01-01') * 86400) AS EPOCH_DT FROM "test_table" outputs SESSIONTIMEZONE DT EPOCH_DT Europe/Paris 1970-01-02 00:00:...
sid_com's user avatar
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sqlite3 update table value doesn't update timestamp

i'm using SQLite3 and i have a very simple table: create table pulseCount ( pulses INTEGER NOT NULL, timestamp DATETIME DEFAULT (1000*(strftime('%s','now')+mod(strftime('%f','now'),1))) ); ...
WhiteRau's user avatar
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Why does gradle think it's 1970?

When I execute the following code: ./gradlew clean ./gradlew --profile --offline --rerun-tasks assembleDevelopmentDebug Is there any way to correct the time and date?
Henning's user avatar
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What are all the known serialization formats of (unix) epoch time?

So, the basic definition of epoch time (similar to 'unix time', but not exactly: see below) and what it means is clear. However, nowhere on the wikipedia page or on any other resource I can find is it ...
XML's user avatar
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How do I make a JavaScript countdown using a Unix timestamp?

I am making a website that needs a countdown until a specific time, but I can't find anything that lets me input a Unix timestamp and gives the same countdown for all users, regardless of timezones. I ...
Mesure73L's user avatar
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from_unixtime still displaying 19 hours past expected time

I currently have some cleaned data with new columns and formatted correctly, however the clause regarding from_unixtime is stumping me. I have tried the following: from_unixtime(`time@timestamp`, '%H:%...
Joey's user avatar
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Function to format and display the time from a UNIX timestamp does not work in Safari Browser [duplicate]

This JavaScript code do not work in Safari Browser but works well in other browser. Code returns time or date from timestamp value but not works in safari browser. In safari code returns: aN.aN.aN or ...
Doğukan Ürker's user avatar
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How to extract TimeStamp in correct format from XML in XLS Report

i am having problem with extracting Timestamp from XML report, generated by JMeter using JS and i am using its values in XLS report. i have tried multiple ways to extract Timestamp values in seconds ...
ritah's user avatar
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Windows command prompt showing incorrect time since epoch

I am trying to monitor my app launch time on a Windows machine using command prompt. This is how I launch my electron app powershell -command "(New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date "01/01/1970"...
window_handle's user avatar
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Pandas to_datetime method giving incorrect year when converting Unix Timestamp

When using to_datetime method of Pandas Dataframe to convert a Unix Timestamp to a Formatted DateTime in a column of data collected from a Data Logger I get the wrong year by 20 years. I have checked ...
themetman's user avatar
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select column based on date interval converted from unix timestamp in Oracle sql

I have to run a select from table based on a condition from a column with a unix timestamp value. I have converted the value into a date in order to apply my condition. The query is something along ...
Kelso's user avatar
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How can I convert a day, DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS +XXXX to unix time in Python?

I'm working with a timestamp that is formatted Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:25:01 +0000 but I need it in Unix time. I've looked at several library functions and cannot figure out how I can achieve this. How ...
Jean deBaer's user avatar
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Unix timestamp conversion

I have a datetime in this format "frame.time": "Dec 7, 2023 06:55:20.320000000 Mitteleuropäische Zeit" in my json script and I want to extract this json script into .csv so I want ...
DHAVAL TARAPRA's user avatar
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Modbus TCP Server Timestamp Convert Problem

I wanna convert data of Error Code 1 Date Time H (0x6578) and Error Code 1 Date Time L (0x7AE) to timestamp from Modbus TCP Server, but the result I got was "5/16/1973 Wednesday 11:27:42", ...
Hendri's user avatar
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How do I assign an array time ranges to each day of the week?

What I want to create using the my code is an array of 7 objects as illustrated below: (7) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] These objects are 7 because they represent each day of the week, as seen ...
SirBT's user avatar
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Convert normal human readable datetime to unix timestamp in Snowflake

I have created an SQL model in snowflake that gives a several outputs among those ones, I have two columns that are the next : The first column: called last_used that gives a human readable datetime ...
baddy's user avatar
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Trying to find out how many years between unix timestamps?

I found some examples when searching, but couldn't find an example to show how many years are in-between unix timestamps. I tried the following code: $bought = $row['purchase_date']; $sold = $row['...
I_hate_arrays42's user avatar
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Removing "01" Prefix from Timestamps in Plot in Python

I am currenlty working on a plot containing two sets of data and fitting linear regression to them. I have a problem with timestamps that i need to have in UTC on the plot (originally in unix). I ...
Edvaeli's user avatar
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How do you get the UTC time offset in Python now that utcnow() is deprecated? [duplicate]

I need the time difference in sec between my current location and UTC. It worked so well with (example timezone Berlin, UTC+1h) : import datetime datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp(): 1699017779....
ullix's user avatar
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Converting UNIX Timestamp in Excel but which timezone?

I've got a data with unix timestamps as the date/time format. I convertet the timestamps with the following line: = A1/86400000+25569 and fomatted the column to the Excel date/time format ...
Sophie's user avatar
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LinkedIn API "Time-Bound Follower Statistics" Data Discrepancy

I am currently working on a project that involves retrieving "Time-Bound Follower Statistics" data from the LinkedIn API. However, I have noticed a significant discrepancy between the data ...
Harshit Singh's user avatar
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PySpark Unix Time to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS

I want to convert epoch time in miliseconds to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS using PySpark. I tried below but I get weird conversion. srcdf.withColumn("createdTime",from_unixtime(col("...
Jatin's user avatar
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