i'm using SQLite3 and i have a very simple table:

create table pulseCount (
  timestamp DATETIME DEFAULT (1000*(strftime('%s','now')+mod(strftime('%f','now'),1)))

problem is, when i update the pulses value, the timestamp doesn't update as well. i read that i need a trigger to do this, but i wasn't able to make head or tails of the discussion and resolve it to something concrete or useful. and, yes, i do need to be keeping track down to the millisecond.

should be noted that, as far as i can tell, the timestamp updates on INSERT, but not on UPDATE, which is what is needed.

anyone willing to lend a hand here?

EDIT: as requested, the UPDATE command:

UPDATE pulseCount SET pulses=1;

as there's only one row, there's no need for a WHERE clause.


well, i managed to bash together a trigger that seems to work just fine:

CREATE TRIGGER [UpdateTimestamp]
  AFTER UPDATE ON pulseCount
  WHEN old.pulses <> new.pulses
  UPDATE pulseCount 
    SET timestamp = (1000*(strftime('%s','now')+mod(strftime('%f','now'),1)))
    WHERE pulses >= 0;

if anyone sees a problem with this, please do let me know. i don't know that the final WHERE clause is needed, but it can't hurt... although if it can save me a few milliseconds, i'd like to know.

  • You need to show the actual code that executes the UPDATE command, for anyone to figure out what may be wrong.
    – OldBoy
    Commented Mar 19 at 15:56
  • shouldn't really matter, it's an UPDATE; but TBF, it should be there for completion sake.
    – WhiteRau
    Commented Mar 19 at 16:19
  • 1
    You are updating the pulseCount but not the timestamp. You need to update both.
    – OldBoy
    Commented Mar 19 at 16:20
  • And here is the official detail from the SQLiite documentation: The DEFAULT clause specifies a default value to use for the column if no value is explicitly provided by the user when doing an INSERT.
    – OldBoy
    Commented Mar 19 at 16:23
  • @OldBoy you are correct; i just didn't read that far. i'm coming from a MySQL background where this is just automatic, for the most part. plus, i have mgmt breathing down my neck today. i love coding for the uneducated...
    – WhiteRau
    Commented Mar 19 at 16:36


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