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Questions tagged [timestamp-with-timezone]

A datetime (timestamp in SQL) that is time zone aware, usually by storing time zone information along with the datetime. Data type defined in the SQL standard.

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How to add timezone and day light saving info into google protobuf Timestamp?

I'm using google protobuf timestamp for recording purpose in python, however, when I compare the timestamp, I would need to know the timezone and day light saving information associated with every ...
Ames ISU's user avatar
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Oracle timestamp with timezone TZR/TZD handling

I'm trying to parse some strings into Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE with to_timestamp_tz. The documentation suggests I should use TZD to parse three-letter codes like PST & PDT. However, that ...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
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MySQL: Inserting datetime value (including timezone) results in wrong column value

Since I couldn't find a similar thread, here's my issue. My table "test_table" consists of a datetime column "timestamp_column". The MySQL server is configured to run in timezone ...
user23662990's user avatar
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How can I 'tell' PostgreSQL what the timestamp format is when I INSERT a text string that represents a timestamp into a table?

NOTE: There are a few other questions that are very similar to this and which deal with the same kind of issues, but I really felt they did not articulate it well enough for me. So I am asking this ...
skeetastax's user avatar
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How to make Postgres return timestamps in a given timezone?

I'm using sqlx 0.7.3 and time 0.3.34. I have this struct: #[derive(Debug, sqlx::FromRow)] pub struct Game { pub id: String, pub created_at: time::OffsetDateTime, pub date_time: time::...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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Is this SET TIME ZONE supposed to work like this with sqlx?

As explained here I'm using the below code: use sqlx::Executor; use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions; let pool = PgPoolOptions::new() .after_connect(|conn, _meta| Box::pin(async move { conn....
Fred Hors's user avatar
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How to map a Postgres Rails timestampz array with commas

The goal is to strip the date from the datetime from the data so multiple days can be overlayed using Chartkick. The comma is interpreted by Ruby the break between fields. Rails and Chartkick have no ...
Greg's user avatar
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from_unixtime still displaying 19 hours past expected time

I currently have some cleaned data with new columns and formatted correctly, however the clause regarding from_unixtime is stumping me. I have tried the following: from_unixtime(`time@timestamp`, '%H:%...
Joey's user avatar
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Converting date+time in Character format to CET while correctly taking into account daylight savings

I have a small problem converting some characters (the format is CET, they are just stored as characters). I want to change the format from characters to date, such that I can convert between ...
svend Lars's user avatar
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Convert normal human readable datetime to unix timestamp in Snowflake

I have created an SQL model in snowflake that gives a several outputs among those ones, I have two columns that are the next : The first column: called last_used that gives a human readable datetime ...
baddy's user avatar
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Javascript AssertionError for database objects with generated timestamps

I'm asserting that the data fetched from my database contain the below objects but my assertionError seems to show that the objects aren't included. My query is being logged to the console, showing ...
Nkechi Anyanwu's user avatar
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why convertotimezone() function is not available in AZURE DATA FACTORY for my company login?

I am not seeing converttotimezone() function is not available in azure data factory expression builder, I am trying to save one date column from csv file to oracle column TIMSTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE ...
prabhakar thati's user avatar
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Need to convert date format to Chicago tIME ZONE format as In azure data flow explorer expression builder , tried so many bit not useful , example is

I need to convert to csv date column in this format, tried so many in AZURE DATA FACTORY data flow expression builder but nothing works, can someone please help on this. Here for the last 4 digits , ...
prabhakar thati's user avatar
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Storing ZonedDateTime in Postgres in UTC

I receive a variable as ZonedDateTime in UTC and I want to persist in a Postgres column in UTC. The column currently is type of timestamptz and I want to read is back in the same ZonedDateTime format. ...
Oh hi Mark's user avatar
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Timestampz date conversion in Excel

I have timestampz data that I need to convert to a pacific time date. The format is "2021-11-24T10:00:00+00:00." It is currently stored in UTC time. I tried =value(left(g2,10)), but the date ...
Natalie's user avatar

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