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Questions tagged [stream]

DO NOT USE FOR THE JAVA STREAM API INTRODUCED IN JAVA 8 (use [java-stream] for those questions!) A stream is a series of data elements which can be accessed in a serial fashion.

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Nodemailer not working in nextjs say's Module not found: Can't resolve 'stream'

Module not found: Can't resolve 'stream' Import trace for requested module Import trace for ...
Vedant Raut's user avatar
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convert object to mock stream

given below was my object class .here i am trying to convert this object class to mock stream public class WebHookBody { public string entryId { get; set; } } i am trying to add ...
Harikarthik's user avatar
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Flutter , How to form a sentence from a words that broadcasted from a websocket

Im using a websocket to make a chatbot. This is a broadcast Stream WebSocketHelper(@Named('webSocketUrl') String url) : channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(url) { _broadcastStream = ...
Febin Johnson's user avatar
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how to redirect absl logs in a pybinded C++ from the calling Python module [closed]

I have a Python binary that leverages numerous C++ functions through pybind11. Both in Python and C++ I'm using absl logging. I am trying to setup absl in Python to wrote logs to file instead of ...
Amir's user avatar
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process json response as a stream

I have an http response with a body that is a ByteReadChannel. I know that the content is an array of JSON objects. I need to filter that response body by properties of the JSON object. As the array ...
Martin's user avatar
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Extracting large password protected 7zip files whilst streaming?

I have a requirement to unzip password protected 7zip files from AWS S3 to a container that has limited space. The problem is I can't download the entire zip file and then attempt to extract it ...
Brunaldo's user avatar
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How to interface with a UNIX port? [closed]

I have encountered this same question in numerous forms over the past year, and have not been able to find the solution I am after. As the question has yet again reared its head, I am asking here with ...
BrownianBridge's user avatar
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integrating chat with zoom clone

i am creating a meeting app using the stream . i want to integrate the chat in my application meeting room so can anyone tell me where should i integrate the code of my chat .currently i am adding it ...
lakshya agarwal's user avatar
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ASP.NET Web Api Model Binding From A Stream

Im trying to send a http post request from Action1 to Action2 and instead of sending the payload as string Im sending it as stream for performance. Im getting the error. Unsupported Media Type [...
VJAI's user avatar
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Continuously process data stream from external program in Matlab

So, I have written a C program that starts an external sensor module and then gets a stream of measurements from the sensor until the process is interrupted. Currently it just writes the measurements ...
ummg's user avatar
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How can I record internal computer sound joined with input sound and save all in one file?

I want to write a client and server in c#, client will record internal sound + input sound (microphone) and stream it to the server, how can I achieve the join effect, to stream their both without any ...
Errant Wanderer's user avatar
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stream is hunging when no internet is detected instead of closing the pipeline

I'm trying to display save and stream rgb/ir data to an external server via network, but i want to also be able to display and save in case there is no network so that i don't lose data. iam using ...
Ihssane Oubari's user avatar
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Exoplayer HLS Cache

Is it possible to cache played hls stream from exoplayer? I was reading a lot about caching of other media types, but I couldn't find any solution for hls streams. There are some old comments like the ...
X3NomoRpH's user avatar
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How Can I Use Run Manager to Stream Response on RetrievalQA?

I'm working with the langchain library and transformers to build a language model application. I want to integrate a CallbackManagerForLLMRun to stream responses in my RetrievalQA chain. Below is the ...
rahul raj's user avatar
-1 votes
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RxJava strip bytes at regular interval from a stream and then further extract messages based on length indicator of message bytes

I have a Java inputstream, that I skip 2 bytes every n bytes. Now the output of that are bytes that are clean after stripping the 2 delimiters every n bytes. This output is a series of bytes where the ...
chhil's user avatar
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System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer does not overwrite existing file fully when using file stream

Consider the following code: internal class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { var t = new Thing() { Name = "Some Long Name" }; string path = @"c:\...
rory.ap's user avatar
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Streaming data from delegate to function call

I have a 3rd party library that calls a delegate every time there is a buffer of data, and I need to get this buffer into a stream and send the stream to S3. So I use a FileStream to write to a ...
Andy's user avatar
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NodeJS ECONNRESET error onStreamRead while downloading large csv

I'm trying to download a very large gzipped csv file, hosted on a S3 server. I want to insert each csv row to my database. To achieve that I get the encoded stream, unzip it, parse it and save it to ...
Jose Alvera's user avatar
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3 answers

Issues in Streaming response from flask-smorest

I'm encountering issues in streaming response in flask-smorest. I'm following the guidance here - for streaming responses from my flask-...
FahdS's user avatar
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Array not resetting in JavaScript while reading from stream

I am trying to insert data coming from a remote CSV file in MongoDB (using Mongoose). I would like to do so in bulk inserts of 100 items at a time. Here's my code: import csv from 'csv-parser' import ...
mrodo's user avatar
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NextJS v14 architecture to call a LLM

In a NextJS v14 application, I need to call a proxy API that interacts with an LLM. The API returns an NDJSON response, which needs to be processed using the ndjsonStream function from the can-ndjson-...
aestheticsData's user avatar
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How to extract particular field from custom duplicate objects and build a another response list using java 8 streams

I have below response from database and I need to convert it into the final json format using java 8 streams. Response from Database: [ { "name": "Test1", "age": "33&...
user26037047's user avatar
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Azure Stream Analytics get counts only if count has changed between windows

I'm trying to create a query in Azure Stream Analytics that each hour will give me number of events (grouped by some columns) in last 8 hours. I'm using HoppingWindow(hour, 8, 1) in my GROUP BY clause ...
cornisto's user avatar
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Stream hls/m3u8 with HTML

I was wondering, is it possible to make a html code to play a video file hosted in a host that use hls/m3u to stream the video?, for example, if I have a link let's say: ...
Free GOT's user avatar
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how to read ndjson stream response in php

sorry if my question is silly but there's something I'm not getting. I'm using Guzzle in a PHP process to make an API call. $response = $this->client->request('GET', 'droits_acces', [ ...
Florian B's user avatar
-2 votes
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Upload a file to Google cloud storage bucket: Camel vs gcloud CLI

I want to upload a file to a Google cloud storage bucket. With Java/Camel: from("file://target/upload?delete=true") .routeId("GCP file upload route") .log("...
Guido's user avatar
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Write and read string from MemoryStream

Please consider this scenario: I want to read a file and then place its bytes to MemoryStream and then write some strings to it and then immediately read entire MemotyStream. For example I have a text ...
DooDoo's user avatar
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What is the difference between : RTMP, HLS, DASH, HTTP, WebRTC, ngx_stream in nginx conf

Studing nginx I cam to the stream directive and rtmp I found many streeming options There is many things called streaming and I'm new to these concepts RTMP HLS DASH HTTP(S) ngx_stream (stream ...
Abd-Elaziz Sharaf's user avatar
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Issue when adding text in liquidsoap

Using liquidsoap to stream to facebook, however I have an issue where if i add text or image, i get the following error, any idea why #!/usr/bin/liquidsoap enc = %ffmpeg( format="flv", %...
Ossama's user avatar
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How to disable buffer_output when using Symfony's build in server?

My eventual goal is to create an SSE stream, but for now I just created a simple php file in the public folder of my Symfony project. The code in it has nothing to do with Symfony: <?php header('...
Jack33's user avatar
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