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Questions tagged [rx-java2]

anything related to RxJava2 – The new implementation of the RxJava Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.

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RxJava strip bytes at regular interval from a stream and then further extract messages based on length indicator of message bytes

I have a Java inputstream, that I skip 2 bytes every n bytes. Now the output of that are bytes that are clean after stripping the 2 delimiters every n bytes. This output is a series of bytes where the ...
chhil's user avatar
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Any case that the return type of a Web API has to be an Observable and can NOT be a Single?

I'm learning RxJava and Retrofit2 and wondering if there is any case that the return type of a Web API has to be an Observable and can not be a Single. As far as I can think of ... even paged datas ...
Henry's user avatar
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How to trigger recomposition when observing LiveData

I'm migrating an app from views to compose and am trying to trigger a schedule update every five minutes in which if there is a change in the data compose should recompose. Still using RxJava in my ...
ima robot's user avatar
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Getting Compilation Failure "cannot find symbol for concatMap" in the RxJava Code

I am new to this RxJava coding language. I am trying to write a function that recursively copies files from one S3 location and pastes the content to another S3 location. Here is the code that I have ...
Satyam Kumar's user avatar
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IllegalStateException: Reading a state that was created after the snapshot was taken or in a snapshot that has not yet

Assume simplfied class like: class MyModel() { companion object val number = mutableStateOf(0) init { refresh() } fun refresh() { RestClient.getNumber() ...
Ralf Wickum's user avatar
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RxJava Scheduler scheduleDirect guarantees

If I have some code like the following: Schedulers.single().scheduleDirect { Schedulers.single().scheduleDirect { println("Run inner code") // Line A } println("...
detcle's user avatar
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Where do I put the Disposable for RxJava?

I'm using RxJava2 and subscribing to my data streams with a CompositeDisposable variable. I'm familiar with codebases having the disposable in the Fragment/Activity, but I'm not entirely sure why that ...
BobDidley's user avatar
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RxJava PublishSubject buffer elements with timeout

I want to achieve the following with RxJava: Buffer elements and publish them when 5 seconds passed after the last element Publish buffered elements in 20 seconds passed after the first element ...
Serg's user avatar
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adjust delay value in rx java from source

I'm new to Rxjava and could not find an example or appropriate usage of single.delay() that uses the result of the previous flatmap as the delay. My aim is to use the result of functionOne() to set ...
RxPleb's user avatar
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Does the Observable.take(1) function dispose itself after taking 1?

Does an Observable.take(1) function dispose itself after taking 1?
Ralf Wickum's user avatar
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retryWhen hanging after migrating from rxjava to rxjava2

We have the following methods which we have recently migrated from rx-java to rx-java2: @Override public Observable<FooResponse> doFoo(String id) { return api.doFoo(id) .map(Response::...
Ben Green's user avatar
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How to update the first observable with the data of the second dependent on the first

In Android using Retrofit combined with RxJava I get an object Observable. Inside I have a List; inside Table I have properties containing a foreign key from the object Product. My goal is to get the ...
Favrosc's user avatar
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Reduce response time

The operation api.getProducts(..) with the help of Retrofit, we invoke a GET from another API. Now, repeatUntil() is used since the other API returns a page and there is a specific documentId that has ...
DarkVaderM's user avatar
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RxJava2 onNext can't execute after FlowableEmitter.onNext executed many times

I called the Flowable.create to implement that loop read data from bluetooth sockete InputStream, I try the below pseudocode to implement this. // connectBluetoothFlowable is a Flowable<Boolean> ...
Liberty's user avatar
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Android: NPE: Observable.takeLast

I set up some observables like so companion object { var isLocationToolActive: BehaviorSubject<Boolean> = BehaviorSubject.createDefault(false) var isAoIToolActive: ...
kristyna's user avatar
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