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Questions tagged [smb]

Server Message Block, network-protocol for sharing files and printers implemented by Windows, Samba and others

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macOS - can residual network volumes be removed/restored in /Volumes without rebooting the system?

I have a series of SMB volumes mounted on a single Mac machine - some are resources on a LAN (ex: SMB_Loc), and others are mounted over a VPN (ex: SMB_Rem). If there is ever a connectivity issue, say ...
b. insler's user avatar
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How to upload to NAS via java springboot application

So im working on file upload feature which uploads a png file to a Net app NAS and Accessing this NAS share on a VM requires that i add an export, this will grant the VM permission to mount the ...
BHL's user avatar
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How to fix "semaphore timeout period has expired" when copying some specific JavaScript files to a server share on the same network?

For the past month, on the network at work, we have encountered "semaphore timeout period has expired" errors when copying some specific JavaScript files to a server (most files copy ...
PhilipD's user avatar
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com.hierynomus.mssmb2.SMBApiException: STATUS_OTHER (0xc0000466): Authentication failed for '' using com.hierynomus.smbj.auth.NtlmAuthenticator

trying to access Azure Netapps drive (Kind of network drive) using SMB protocol with smbj library. It's working fine with user name and password (authendication). But getting following error while ...
Sathishkumar C's user avatar
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How to request for an oplock from linux client?

I am learning on Samba, I have gone through the documentation on oplock feature now on my local(Ubuntu) i created a SMB server with default config (oplock enabled) when i access this share from ...
coder_a's user avatar
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Why switching to SMB2+ results in a "process cannot access file" error?

This error started occurring at high volume installations when SMB1 is disabled: The process cannot access the file '\user1.Log.txt' because it is being used by another process. The logs are by user,...
MathewJoy's user avatar
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I know this problem is not about the program but I couldn't solve the issue so I'm looking for an advice. This is the code I use: using SMBLibrary; using SMBLibrary.Client; using System; using System....
mesut yıldırım's user avatar
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Powershell asks for credentials only once but reports wrong password

I am trying to automate network drive mapping. Because of a Windows issue, my drives don't persist after reboot and I get misleading error messages. To overcome this, I wrote a powershell script. &...
Saren Tasciyan's user avatar
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Open File in Gdal with from Smb in Python

How can I open a file in Gdal from a Smb server without storing the file in memory? I want to do something like this: import smbclient from osgeo import gdal with smbclient.open_file(r"\\server\...
Math-dude's user avatar
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Running nmap script on a filtered port

I'm trying to scan for smb port (445) on a windows machine using nmap, it keep showing that the port is filtered but after using -sF flag I managed to get that the port is open but it's not runnig the ...
Ghassan AMAIMIA's user avatar
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Running a .NET application from a SMB share on Mint (using Mono)

I have a .NET (framework) application that I have been able to run, from a Network Share, on a laptop running MINT, by simply installing the "Mono-Complete" package. However, what I'm trying ...
da_jokker's user avatar
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Understanding select into outfile

I was going through OOB scenario as mentioned here (Windows scenario). I have very few queries that I couldn’t get answer ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Accessing NAS Drive from a node version > 16

Up until Node version 16, applications were able access a NAS Drive via SMB. From v17 and up, SSL changes have essentially broken SMB2. The site provided this explanation: If you hit an ...
Frank Stapleford's user avatar
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Using MacOS, what is the correct way to write a file path to another Macintosh computer connected via an SMB share?

I have 4 different computers connected to my own via SMB share and am writing a script that will access each of their hard drives & external drives and return the amount of free GB left on each. I ...
O M's user avatar
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Problems with RabbitMQ in Nomad with docker volumes

I am attempting to get RabbitMQ to run in Nomad using Docker. However I have stumbled into some problems related to permissions. When attempting to run the Job in Nomad I either get this error: sed: ...
uptivuptiz's user avatar

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