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Questions tagged [serenity-bdd]

Serenity BDD helps you write cleaner and more maintainable automated acceptance and regression tests faster. Serenity also uses the test results to produce illustrated, narrative reports that document and describe what your application does and how it works. Serenity tells you not only what tests have been executed, but more importantly, what requirements have been tested.

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Chrome Driver not closing properly and using a lot of CPU

I am currently using Chrome Driver with Serenity BDD and when the tests are done running, it is not closing properly, and it is consuming a lot of CPU. I am unable to run a full regression before my ...
vacant desk's user avatar
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Maven Serenity: Failed to resolve the class file version of the current VM: Unknown Java version: 0

I am currently trying to set up a project, but I keep running into this issue. I am currently using maven 3.9.6 and Java 22.0.1. I can provide more info if needed, right now I have no idea what to ...
vacant desk's user avatar
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Why the latest cucumber+serenity runs testcases filtered by tags so slowly?

I updated the serenity, cucumber, and JUnit to latest version. The serenity, cucumber version info: <serenity.version>4.1.20</serenity.version> <serenity.maven.version>4.1.20&...
Bin's user avatar
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After click sigin button is showing: security certificate&code will handle. Chrome is blank in headless, working in headed mode in serenity framework

Serenity framework example: customer will click on SignIn button then one security certificate will come like your connection is not private. If certificate is visible code will handle that by clcking ...
Manju Reddy's user avatar
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26 views (The system cannot find the file specified)

I am trying to run my automation tests on my Windows laptop. I've configured the system variables for Java ( and Gradle (8.7) correctly. My automation framework is a Serenity framework using ...
Rahul's user avatar
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using multiple environment in serenity bdd with gradle tool

Step failed net.serenitybdd.core.environment.UndefinedEnvironmentVariableException: Environment 'env' property undefined for environment '[]' at net.serenitybdd.core.environment....
Preethi NP 's user avatar
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Flutter APP/API testing integrated with Java/Serenity Framework

Currently, we have a Serenity BDD/Java framework for our front-end automation. This is for component and E2E tests. However, we also have a Flutter driver framework for our app/api tests. We would ...
BDS testing's user avatar
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Chrome not navigating to URL when serenity version changed

I am using serenity-cucumber to automate my tests integrated with maven. Everything was working till serenity version changed. Recently changed serenity version to 4.x.x. When I try to run my test, ...
dan's user avatar
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Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: session not created: Chrome failed to start: exited normally

I have a problem when I run my job on GitHub. Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: session not created: Chrome failed ...
アレックス's user avatar
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Unable to generate serenity summmery report in gradle

I am attempting to generate a Serenity summary report for publishing in an Azure DevOps pipeline. I am able to generate a single-page report, but I am encountering difficulty in generating the summary ...
sree1611's user avatar
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Edit custom fields in summary report at runtime

I have a test project that tests an application that's constantly getting updated. As such, I'm asked quite frequently to run regression tests for it and to keep track of which report is for which ...
Sparsh Sondhi's user avatar
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how to prioritize serenity bdd (cucumber)test execution with tags

I have test cases bank account creation. There two scenarios one is application submission with tag @logApplication and second one the involved application process which involves will take sometime ...
Saimohit Midde's user avatar
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Could not instantiate class org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver in Serenity

Serenity is unable to find the msedgedriver executable from the file. My properties file looks like this: #webdriver.driver=chrome = src/test/resources/...
Theo Paz's user avatar
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How to run Automation api testing with serenity-cucumber bdd using jar file

I have a class created for step definitions which uses @Steps annotations from (net.thucydides.core.annotations.Steps) for injecting objects. It did work locally but when I ran it through java -jar it ...
Vikas Sharma's user avatar
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Serenity Full Report shows bad ui

I'm working with Serenity BDD and after running all test cases, I got the Serenity Report. When I opened the full report, it showed the bad ui of report that doesn't have any style. My pom.xml <?...
Khue Nguyen's user avatar

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