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Questions tagged [cucumber-serenity]

Questions regarding use of Serenity with Cucumber BDD test automation tool

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Serenity BDD - Empty reports when large test scenarios executed

Some of the test scenarios were not captured in the serenity-bdd reporter. If i run them independent, the report is empty - 0 Tests. However, log shows the test was run and passed. I'm using serenity-...
VenkatS's user avatar
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Cucumber windows Authentication login in MSSQL

Do I need to place sqljdbc_auth.dll in System32 to use Windows Authentication login in the Cucumber framework? I'm having issues with my connection to MSSQL using windows authentication in Cucumber ...
Smith's user avatar
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Maven Serenity: Failed to resolve the class file version of the current VM: Unknown Java version: 0

I am currently trying to set up a project, but I keep running into this issue. I am currently using maven 3.9.6 and Java 22.0.1. I can provide more info if needed, right now I have no idea what to ...
vacant desk's user avatar
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Chrome not navigating to URL when serenity version changed

I am using serenity-cucumber to automate my tests integrated with maven. Everything was working till serenity version changed. Recently changed serenity version to 4.x.x. When I try to run my test, ...
dan's user avatar
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Unable to generate serenity summmery report in gradle

I am attempting to generate a Serenity summary report for publishing in an Azure DevOps pipeline. I am able to generate a single-page report, but I am encountering difficulty in generating the summary ...
sree1611's user avatar
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Edit custom fields in summary report at runtime

I have a test project that tests an application that's constantly getting updated. As such, I'm asked quite frequently to run regression tests for it and to keep track of which report is for which ...
Sparsh Sondhi's user avatar
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Unable to obtain springboot applicationContext in test with Cucmber and Serenity

I am new to the cucumber & serenity and took reference from for setting up the project. I am using testContainer , cucmber & serenity ...
sree1611's user avatar
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How to run Automation api testing with serenity-cucumber bdd using jar file

I have a class created for step definitions which uses @Steps annotations from (net.thucydides.core.annotations.Steps) for injecting objects. It did work locally but when I ran it through java -jar it ...
Vikas Sharma's user avatar
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Issue accessing env specific parameters from serenity.conf from a static context

In cucumber if you use the BeforeAll annotation to run before all of your test code there is a requirement to have the method set as static. I set up such a method that I wanted to call a method to ...
amadain's user avatar
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Serenity BDD framework test case fails after Chrome Version update 121 ,Could not instantiate new WebDriver

Error-- Could not instantiate new WebDriver instance of type class (Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: session not created: This version ...
Display's user avatar
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Serenity Report is not generated Build Failed after successfully running test scenarios in Maven project

Serenity Report is not generated Build failed Failed to execute goal net.serenity-bdd.maven.plugins:serenity-maven-plugin:3.2.1:aggregate (serenity-reports) on project digitalContent: Execution ...
Display's user avatar
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Can not run Serentiy Cucumber Test using tags from command line

I can run Serentiy Test using mvn clean verify command which uses the tags mentioned in cucumber test runner file. I want to run the test from command line using specified tags. i.e. mvn verify -...
Shirish's user avatar
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Single browserstack session for all BDD scenarios

I want to run all my BDD scenarios in one single browserstack session, when I run from feature file it is achievable but when it is run from the runner class I am getting new sessions in Browserstack ...
joel james's user avatar
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Insert unique value into JSON payload to make API request using serenity bdd and java

I am really new to this, so maybe I am making an extremely simple mistake. I have an automated test using Serenity and Java, making a POST request to an endpoint. In the JSON payload there is a field ...
michael Schreiber's user avatar
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Forcing Serenity to use the latest chrome driver version on Jenkins

How do I force serenity to use the chrome driver version installed on Jenkins? I have set the autodownload to false in serenity.conf file. But I still see that the chrome driver used to run the tests ...
Lakshmi's user avatar
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