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Questions tagged [rfacebook]

Use this tag for question about using rfacebook - R package to access Facebook's API

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Problems with RFacebook on R

I'm trying to get information about my Facebook user through R (as a scrapping test) and I can't get any result because it only returns my name. The code I am using is this: token<- '12345' (using ...
juandmaz's user avatar
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Rfacebook searchPages returns 0 results

I'm trying to do some textmining with Rfacebook, but whenever I enter code for finding pages which include a string: searchPages("facebook", token = fb_oauth, n = 10000) I get back this error: 0 ...
Sage Wyatt's user avatar
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I am having 'browser' must be a non-empty character string Error while authenticating with fbOAuth

my_oauth <- fbOAuth(app_id="", app_secret="") Copy and paste into Site URL on Facebook App Settings: http://localhost:1410/ When done, press any key to continue... Waiting for authentication in ...
Arvind patel's user avatar
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Access Facebook's API using R without creating an app

I've been looking online for the past two hours and the only way I've found to access Facebook's API using R is through the Rfacebook library by creating an app in Facebook's developer's forum. The ...
Litmon's user avatar
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Facebook API v3.2 connection issue with Rfacebook package in RStudio

I'm connecting to Facebook API v3.2 in order to get my friends information. I had the following error: Invalid Scopes: user_relationships, publish_actions. This message is only shown to developers. ...
Joe's user avatar
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3 answers

To use 'Page Public Content Access', your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook

As you can see in the screenshot above, I got Facebook app review approval but now I tried to access Facebook public page posts and comments per page. Still, I am getting bellow massage in R Console: ...
Rajib Kumar De's user avatar
6 votes
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How to use map() with possibly()

I am using map() to get post data from Facebook using the following code: posts_data <- map(posts$query_id, getPost, token = fb_oauth, n = 1000) However, some of the query_id observations are ...
mundos's user avatar
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R Language: getCommentReplies() error:

despite reading the existing answers, I still don't know how to fix this problem. I am trying to extract Comments For each post in the 1st phase which it is doing successfully and then in the 2nd ...
Tunde Mabayoje's user avatar
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Encoding issue with data pulled from facebook api

I'm pulling data from a public page through the rfacebook package. My code is below: fb_oauth <- fbOAuth(app_id="###", app_secret="###", extended_permissions = FALSE, ...
Prometheus's user avatar
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Splitting organic and paid impressions in facebook api using R

I am using the Rfacebook package to retreive total impressions a facebookpost had. This works fine, however, this method does not split paid and organic impressions. I use the following code: ...
nemja's user avatar
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Issue in Facebook Replies download from post comments

I am trying to download public comments and replies from the FACEBOOK public post by page. my code is working until 5 Feb'18, Now it is showing below error for the "Replies". Error in data.frame(...
sanjay saini's user avatar
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Error in Rfacebook getPost - Argument has length 0

Whenever i'm trying to get a post with a lot of comments from Facebook with Rfacebook's getPost-function, i get the following error: Error in while (n.l < n.likes & length(content$data) > 0 ...
L. Lane's user avatar
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ggplot double linechart and 3 columns

I've extracted by Rfacebook package some data about Facebook Pages. What I'm trying to get is two linecharts side by side like the attached image (a linechart for each UserName) where I can display ...
Andrea Angeli's user avatar
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how to get facebook search results

I am trying to build a network of people that match a search criteria on FB and get their friends. All public information of course, or at least accessible to my own account. Say I search for the name ...
Courvoisier's user avatar
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{getPost() does not retrieve reactions' component} & {"reactions" and "likes" with the same logical value return neither error nor warning msg}

[Win 10; R 3.4.3; RStudio 1.1.383; Rfacebook 0.6.15] Hi! I would like to ask two questions concerning the Rfacebook's getPost function: Even though I have tried all possible combinations of the ...
Maria Wollestonecraft's user avatar

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