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Questions tagged [neo4j]

Neo4j is an open-source graph database (GDB) well suited to connected data. Please mention your exact version of Neo4j when asking questions. You can use it for recommendation engines, fraud detection, graph-based search, network ops/security, and many other user cases. The database is accessed via official drivers in Java, JavaScript, Python and .NET, or community-contributed drivers in PHP, Ruby, R, Golang, Elixir, Swift and more.

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ConnectError: All connection attempts failed when connecting indexing to neo4j database using PropertyGraphIndex from llama3

I am working on knowledge graph and all connection to neo4j browser is a success(using neo4j desktop windows not docker deployed). however with llama3 i am running the same notebooks as in property ...
Kcndze's user avatar
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Neo4j Cypher query to filter path properties and return a key value pair

I am trying to match a path with a particular criteria. On the matched paths I am trying to filter out the properties that each relationship of the path has [???]. My query does not run. Can someone ...
Sharon 's user avatar
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How can I responsibly deploy a Neo4j docker container in AWS?

How can I responsibly deploy a Neo4j docker container in AWS, with making daily backups and persisting it's storage? For Neo4j community edition.
Y C's user avatar
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Output error from the GraphCypherQAChain class of the langchain

The above code returns the context from the Neo4j graph, but the LLM is not taking the context and is returning I cannot find that information in the context. Please tell me why it is happening. I ...
Vishnu Singh's user avatar
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Neo4j Browser expand only specific nodes

In Neo4j Browser, there is a visual option to expand a node in a graph so its other relationships that are not yet visible become visible (for example if you double click on the node). My problem is, ...
skipi's user avatar
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setting triggers and calling POST api on any change in a node or a relation in neo4j DB using apoc

I have been trying to setup trigger to monitor any change in a node or a relation in my neo4j DB, also that updated node or relation data should be send as request body to an external POST api. So far ...
Rahul Ranjan's user avatar
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Neo4J - Is there a setting to decrease the spacing between node clusters in NeoDash?

I don't know if I'm just looking in the wrong place, but I can't find any settings to make a graph with several separate clusters look less spread out. I am using the force-based layout. I know there'...
lan01123's user avatar
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How to avoid duplicate computation in Cypher

Let's consider a Cypher query with a, b, the two ends of a complex path : MATCH (a:Label1)-[a quite complex path]-(b:Label2) WHERE <a set of complex constraints> RETURN DISTINCT a, b At this ...
Vandy's user avatar
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How to connect and query Neo4j Database on Apache Drill?

I am using Apache Drill and Neo4j Database for a project. The database needs to be connected to Drill and I should be able to query the data from Apache Drill. I have copied and pasted neo4j-driver-4....
JOSEPH Blessingh's user avatar
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Execute a cql script from neo4j shell

I am using neo4j-community-3.0.4 in linux and I am load to execute cql file in neo4j a.cql CREATE (this_s:Student { Name:'Sam', Title:'title', }) ./bin/neo4j-shell -v -c < /root/a.cql It gives ...
Peter's user avatar
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Spring Data Neo4j Graphql Integration: query with depth > 1 not working

I can not get SDN working with Graphql repositories. If there is a Node hierachy with depth > 1 the respective entities are not queried correctly as demonstrated here:
Ceryni's user avatar
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How do I specify the settings for Neo4j for VS Code extension?

I'm new to Neo4j and I was trying to get set up with the VS Code extension for some highlighting and autocompletion. It looks like the highlighting works decently, but it doesn't seem to pull any ...
anthonyb's user avatar
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Is it possible to dynamically set the label in cypher with UNWIND without using APOC?

Here's my query: def create_entity_nodes(tx, report_id, entities): query = ( "UNWIND $entities AS entity " "MATCH (report:Report {id: $report_id}) " &...
maira's user avatar
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Neo4j Cypher WITH clause

I'm going through the following exercise: What is average number of reviews for all users? (enter an integer number) The following is the solution which produces the correct answer of 149: ...
CEORiley's user avatar
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Unable to get labels for nodes to render using Neo4j visualization library

Following the documentation of the Neo4j Visualization library, I was able to get the graph visualization working easily: . However, I am unable to get the labels/captions to display in the nodes. I ...
Cal El's user avatar
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