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Questions tagged [named-pipes]

A named pipe is an inter-process communication mechanism, which exists both on Unix and Unix-like systems (where it is also known as a FIFO and is file-like), and on Microsoft Windows (where it is an in-memory kernel object). The semantics and APIs differ substantially between the platforms.

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Named pipe is closing on its own after reading one message

I am trying to run a named pipe server on a windows service for an web API to communicate with. I have got the to be able to send a message but immediately after reading from the pipe ...
ShockingRotom's user avatar
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boost::process::async_pipe or pipe for inter process communication

I need to do inter process messaging with named pipes. I know async_pipe can be used for named pipe's. But when i try to use async_pipe my program just stuck in io_context::run() on read Why is ...
Kliment Nechaev's user avatar
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Full duplex named pipes on Windows

I would like to implement full duplex named pipe communications on Windows. The server needs to be in C++, and needs to be able to connect to multiple clients simultaneously. The client needs to be ...
Lorne's user avatar
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Can't communicate between different levels of admin privileges using named pipes in .NET 8

I have a program which is composed of a Windows Service and a GUI. The windows service runs under a local system account, and the GUI runs on a user account and receives information about the service ...
haxonek's user avatar
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Connect to admin named pipe from regular client

I'm trying to have a duplex named pipe in Windows using Golang and package. The client runs as a regular process but the server runs elevated (the ...
David Fernández's user avatar
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.NET NamedPipes client/server troubles. Server can't reply back to client - "Cannot access closed pipe"

I'm trying to create a basic client/server message exchange between two .NET applications. I want the client to connect to the server and then send a message. The server will then receive this message,...
Toby's user avatar
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NamedPipeClientStream and System.UnauthorizedAccessException

I'm trying to use named pipes to let a Windows service and an application share messages. SERVICE var ps = new PipeSecurity(); //ps.SetAccessRule(new PipeAccessRule("Everyone", ...
Marco's user avatar
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Windows Named pipe communication between C# .NET Windows Service and C++ client freezes

I need some help with Windows named pipes please. Aim: run silent .msi installers from C++ app running WITHOUT admin permissions Idea: bundle the .msi with another product as an installer daemon ...
Haj's user avatar
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Why is a FIFO pipe on macOS ~8x slower than an anonymous pipe?

On an M1 Max, I have created a FIFO named pipe with mkfifo and am testing write/read performance with a simple C program and pv. The program writes 65536 bytes at a time to stdout. When doing ./writer ...
edaniels's user avatar
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Bash − Using one bc instance in a named pipe [duplicate]

Context: I have a script which makes multiple calls to bc to set some values, ie: many foo="$(echo '1/3' | /usr/bin/bc -q)" What I want to achieve: do not call bc every times, but keep one ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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.NET MAUI Named Pipe Client Stuck on ConnectAsync on MacOS

I'm trying to implement named pipes in .NET MAUI (.NET 8) on Windows and MacOS. Everything works fine when testing on Windows, but when I test it on MacOS, the client gets stuck on connecting. Pipe ...
Jasper's user avatar
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Why does tee make a different in named fifo?

so the cpp code is trying to solve the problem on codeforces using some random numbers and BSGS algorithm. I had issue when debugging this problem because it talks to another program through STDIN and ...
Liu Weibo's user avatar
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C# WCF Named Pipe - return progress to GUI

I use WCF Service for Copying files in the local environment. The WPF GUI is used to call methods from WCF Service using some buttons. Type of communication I use is Named Pipes. I have problem with &...
kalview's user avatar
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WCF Service hosted locally using Windows Service - named pipes communication with GUI - "The pipe has been ended. (109, 0x6d)."

I have read the documentation on the Microsoft Page about inter process communication on Windows platform so I started doing some demo projects to test how does it work etc. Because all I want to do ...
kalview's user avatar
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Named pipe connection over network error (The username or password is incorrect)

When running a solution where one machine runs a server and a second machine runs a client connecting via named pipes I'm having a strange issue. If both machines run the same Microsoft account, the ...
João Paul's user avatar
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data only written to named pipe after program quits

I am trying to write a program in Rust that writes a string to a named pipe. However, the data only shows up on the receiving end after the program quits. Here's my code: use termion::event::Key; use ...
Kolja's user avatar
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Coordinating error states for multiple goroutines?

I have three goroutines which depend on each other, and I am coordinating them with channels. Two of the routines are writers and one is a reader to a named pipe. However, each of these routines could ...
poundifdef's user avatar
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NamedPipeClientStream stalls after the first ReadLineAsync, and stalls on the first WriteLineAsync

I chose NamedPipes over TCP because I needed two applications on the same machine to talk to each other. I wanted exceedingly simple, quick, and easy, unfortunately it has proven to be the opposite. ...
Zoop's user avatar
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Nonblocking read sometimes drops data

I'm attempting to write interprocess communication for the following scenario: A "reader" (the program I am writing) listens continuously on a fifo. Writers appear and disappear in serial, ...
Christian Chapman's user avatar
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How to configure NamedPipes permissions when using gRPC ASP.NET Core over NamedPipes

I have a gRPC Server using ASP.Net Core running as a Windows Service. I also have a gRPC Client that is running as a limited user. If I run the gRPC Client as an admin they can communicate just fine. ...
Ed_S's user avatar
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Is it correct to use attributes in pipe methods?

In the following code section we have a source process that transmits information by reading elements from a tuple and writing the corresponding elements one by one on an anonynous pipe. A second ...
athant4's user avatar
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How do I print a matrix in a window using ncurses?

My program reads through a named pipe a two-dimensional matrix that contains a maze and my objective is for it to be printed in a top window using ncurses, but it is not working. Note: The maze is ...
João Simões's user avatar
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Discard the buffer of a named pipe

I'm reading from a named pipe to communicate with other processes. Under some conditions, I need to discard the buffered input in the named pipe and then continue reading new input. I came up with the ...
M0M0's user avatar
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Unable to establish two way communications using named pipes and Protobuf in .NET

Starting from, I am trying to establish a two-way communication. I have also seen this SO post on the subject, but still I cannot make it ...
Franco Tiveron's user avatar
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'Access to the path is denied' when a NamedPipeClientStream tries to connect to a NamedPipeServerStream in a Windows service

We are implementing interprocess communications using Named Pipes. If I use a console application for both the NamedPipeClientStream and the NamedPipeServerStream it works beautifully. But when I move ...
Dabblernl's user avatar
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detecting named pipe reader disconnect using select.poll fails on macOS, works on Linux

I want to detect on the writer (producer) end of a named pipe, when the reader (consumer) disconnects. In particular, this should work on Linux and macOS (Windows is already requires a separate method ...
TheDiveO's user avatar
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What is the local IP used for a named pipe connection? [duplicate]

This is NOT even close to a duplicate of named pipes connection with IP address A Windows C++ application on a local system with multiple adapters and IP addresses that connects to a remote system ...
user3161924's user avatar
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Running mpg321 through a named pipe doesn't work

I have a raspberry pi 4 running OMV. I created a named file called hasspipe and then in order to keep it running at all times a created the following script : #!/bin/bash while true; do eval "...
Veoxer's user avatar
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My named pipe works fine after first connection but later I get System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a closed pipe

For bidirectional data exchange between my C# applications I use named pipe. App-1 is the pipe server, App-2 is the client. When a button is clicked in App-1 the pipe_server method is executed and and ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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C# Change Named Pipe Access Permissions [duplicate]

I am getting an Unauthorized Access exception when I try to add security to my pipe. I gather that this needs to be defined when I create the pipe, or at least add a permission to change the pipe, but ...
Furbs's user avatar
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UnauthorizedAccessException when creating second NamedPipeServerStream in a process with a PipeSecurity argument

In a project, I am using the fantastic Named Pipes library: It is solid and works like a charm for projects running under the same security context. However, ...
Joseph Willcoxson's user avatar
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exe not reporting on stdout - but working through bat file

When I run an exe file through a bat file as intermediary for stdin and stdout pipes then it works, but not when I run it directly I have an exe file: p.exe. It is supposed to receive input on stdin ...
Casper Thule Hansen's user avatar
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C# Named Pipelines - Wrong encoding?

I'm working with Named Pipelines for the first time. My end goal to make one exe that can work as both client, server, and independent. The server can have elevated privileges. I'm having difficulty ...
Furbs's user avatar
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Named Pipes in Linux with Python read/write miss some lines of text

I am learning how to use named pipes to pass data between processes. To test it out, I wrote two Python scripts, which I called and, and a named pipe called my_pipe (using ...
Paul Wintz's user avatar
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File handle leak in windows while executing java file

Have been observing handles creeping up in windows while running a Java executable file. Even though there is no transactions the handles are getting increased when I check the handle type count using ...
venki's user avatar
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Read and write simultaneously from a named pipe in C++

I have a process A that is writing continuously to a named pipe. It has opened it in O_NONBLOCK | O_RDWR mode. Another process B is reading continuously from that pipe. It has opened it in O_NONBLOCK |...
ztart14578's user avatar
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I have two C# apps that are exchanging data with named pipes. Is it possible to define a timeout on server side while waiting connection from client?

I have two C# apps that are exchanging data with named pipes. App-1 is the server, App-2 is the client and both working on the same machine. I am using the named pipes just temporarily when a specific ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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Named Pipe Server in C++ using Boost.Asio

I've been using the Windows API directly to create a named pipe server as follows: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> int main() { // Define the name of the named pipe const ...
BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar
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My web app calls a console app for a function. The console app shall send the results via named pipe. Which app should be the server in this case?

I have a ASP Net Core based web app (App-1) that will call a second C# console app (App-2) for a specific function (with Process.Start). When App-2 is executed, it shall connect to a remote OPC server ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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How to start a NamedPipeServer within a Windows Explorer ShellExtension in a correct way

I have to implement a NamedPipeServer in our Windows Explorer ShellExtension which contains a ContextMenuExtension and a IconOverlayExtension. The NamedPipeServer itself is no problem but i have no ...
Action Heinz's user avatar
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Shared Memory vs Named Pipe comparison gone wrong: pipe is faster?

I have taken a course related to IPC in POSIX around 1.5 years ago and we made a benchmark to compare two communication method of 1.named pipes and 2.shared memory(with a circular buffer). We create ...
EbruB's user avatar
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How can I create a named pipe with c++ in Windows so that data can be read from it as if it were a regular file, given the pipe's name?

Problem Due to some unusual requirements, I would like to be able to open a named pipe from c++ code in Windows from its name as if it were a regular "file path," rather than using ReadFile. ...
prsm's user avatar
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Safe way to get ProcessID using Named Pipes

I have an application that consist of a GUI and a service. These are running on the same machine and communicates over Named Pipes via WCF. From the service I'm trying to get the Process ID of the ...
InversionDK's user avatar
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Connection Failure between Visual Studio and Qt Using NamedPipe

I'm trying to establish communication between Visual Studio and Qt using the named pipe method. I have Visual Studio set up for transmission and when I run the Qt program, it establishes a connection ...
Beginner kim's user avatar
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"The request is not supported" error (50) when using PeekNamedPipe from within a windows docker container

When creating a windows named pipe from a service running on a host windows machine and communicating with it from client application running within a windows docker container, The following error ...
Sagiv Avraham's user avatar
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How to Secure .NET Named Pipe Communication From DLL Injection on the Client Side?

Our .NET Framework C# application has two parts, a client (unelevated) and a service (elevated). The communication between the client and the service takes place over the named pipe. The client (named ...
Abdur Rahman 's user avatar
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FIFOs: writting without reading. Where did the bytes go?

I have the following two programs, a reader and a writer. The reader opens a named pipe (previously created with mkfifo fifo.txt) in read-only mode, sleeps for 15 seconds, and then closes the pipe (...
ABu's user avatar
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Cannot connect to SQL Server using Named Pipes through .NET application

First of all, I am trying to make this work because the "initial connection" of my Windows Forms application (run from Windows 10) to my SQL Server 2012 VM is taking too long (once connected ...
popo7ich's user avatar
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Random 141 Signals when working with fifos / named pipes

The way I understand fifos, the open of a reader or writer blocks until the other side opens as well, a read blocks until somebody writes, and any side closes when the last one of the other side ...
Philipp Lengauer's user avatar
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Recreating an UTF-8 StreamWriter on an open NamedPipeClientStream causes extra BOM characters on the server

I have a NamedPipeServerStream that stays open, and a NamedPipeClientStream that stays open. The NamedPipeServerStream has an UTF-8 StreamReader that stays open. The NamedPipeClientStream has an UTF-8 ...
Helena's user avatar
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