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Random 141 Signals when working with fifos / named pipes

The way I understand fifos, the open of a reader or writer blocks until the other side opens as well, a read blocks until somebody writes, and any side closes when the last one of the other side ...
Philipp Lengauer's user avatar
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Read Write Issue in Named Pipes on CentOS 7

I am new in NamedPipe concept on Linux/Centos 7. I want to implement read write funtions between my Windows and CentOS PC using NamedPipe. I have created a NamedPipe on CentOS PC using mkfifo function ...
Gautam Saini's user avatar
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Streaming data to/from file in browser

Is there an API in the browser (outside of websockets) which allows us to stream data from a file to the browser? something like this: const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(file, "...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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Undefined behavior when reading from FIFO

I am trying to send data from javascript to C via a named pipe/FIFO. Everything seems to be working other than every couple messages there will be an additional iteration of the loop reading 0 bytes ...
akremer's user avatar
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Named pipes for client-server simulation in 2 terminals

I know the title doesn't explain the problem precisely and I apologize. I've been writing a program in C of named pipes and the goal of it is to open 2 windows of the terminal, each running either the ...
Chefi's user avatar
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How to keep program unclosed after ctr+c in named pipe?

I have 2 programs. One is server one is client. The Client sending string to the server, the server is swapping the string and return to the client. the problems I have is when I pressing ctr+c the ...
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How to append into a named pipe without changing the value stored previously (linux)(named pipes)

I am creating 10 children to one parent. I want all the children to write into a pipe appending the pipe, so I can then read the collective data later in the parent. So first child writes into the ...
Abdullah Chaudhry's user avatar
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Python named pipes - running 2 apps through each other

Very new to python and named pipes! I am trying to run an GUI and a motion tracking application at the same time - and send the motion tracking application output (CSV) to the GUI script to ...
AMeng's user avatar
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Adding timestamps via named pipes or rsyslog to the log output of a systemd-managed service

I'm having to deal with a proprietary legacy service (running on Debian 10) that logs various (roughly) INFO and NOTICE level things things into stdout, and (roughly) WARNING and ERROR level things ...
JK Laiho's user avatar
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How can my C++ program wait until a new write has been made to the named pipe?

I have two separate programs in C++, one that writes to two named pipes in unpredictable intervals and one that should wait to read new content from the pipes whenever available. For simplicity, here ...
vivi22's user avatar
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Python read JSON from named pipe/FIFO

I'm trying to read JSON data from a FIFO as in the code below: import os import errno import json FIFO = '/tmp/vision' try: os.mkfifo(FIFO) except OSError as oe: if oe.errno != errno.EEXIST:...
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Writing and reading named pipes

I want to write and read from pipes . I have written a code in C it is compiled successfully but when i run it by ./write it has runtime error . Here are my read and write codes. #include<stdio.h&...
tensm's user avatar
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equivalent to 'os.mkfifo()' in python

I have a script that I need to translate from unix to windows. The script uses the 'os.mkfifo()' method to create a named pipe. This function is not available under windows. I have found the 'os.pipe()...
iHnR's user avatar
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Read from n pipes from one process in parallel

I faced a concurrency problem when writing to the same named pipe created with mkfifo by multiple processes at the same time, where some writes got lost. Since the number of writing processes are ...
Sebastian Barth's user avatar
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Reattach to a running process to read the standard output in Windows with named pipe

I want to start a random child process and let it run even if the parent process exit later. It should be possible to read the standard output in none-blocking manner from the child process even if ...
Hans Hansen's user avatar

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