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Questions tagged [msbuild]

Microsoft Build Engine, also known as MSBuild, is a build platform for managed code and was part of .NET Framework.

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Automatically gathering .ifc files with MSBuild

I have two projects that both use C++20 modules made with Visual Studio 2022. One is a library and builds just fine. The actual executable project is where it gets complicated. For it to build ...
Albert Wesker's user avatar
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Avoiding MSBuild version with GitHub action

Currently in my github actions i am using " uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1" instead of updating this to newest version i was wondering if it's good idea to use @main insted to avoid ...
Vlad Filippovich's user avatar
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Git Hub: how to update .yml scripts to include MSVC141

We are running a project on VS2019. it worked fine until last 2 months. suddenly it is raining exception SymbolScanner_Sharing\stdafx.h(22,10): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'atlbase.h':...
Aravinda K's user avatar
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Multiple tags for docker image in VS 2022

I'd like to tag a image (dockerfile build from VS 2022) with :latest and a version number (ideally taken from the MSBuild property VersionPrefix). Is this possible within VS? I already tried to set ...
Recurs1on's user avatar
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Jenkins Warnings plugin - Quality Gate on MSBuild - Reference build recorder is not configured, why?

I'm trying to implement Quality Gate via the Warnings plugin in Jenkins on my Delphi projects (based on MSBuild). The final goal, for now, is to mark as failed any build that has a count of hints+...
Bozzy's user avatar
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Build solution file using batch commands on Git repository

Our is .Net project and we are planning jenkins pipeline to copy dlls from deploy folder. We need to create batch file which should clean and build solution and copy dlls to deploy folder on git. Our ...
AMDI's user avatar
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VSCode 'csproj' actions only if the target is Windows

I am helping refactor some code so that it builds on both Windows and Linux. All is well until an external, 3rd party, tool is needed. Under windows this has been copied to the output folder via some ...
jc508's user avatar
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C# Extern Aliases with 2 packages only working with 1 package

I have a simple setup where I have 2 nuget packges that share the same namespace. I'm trying to use aliases to reference both packages in 1 console app, but ensure I alias them so that I can use both. ...
aherrick's user avatar
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Path.GetFullPath in MSBuild not working. What am I doing wrong?

I have several different automations in my solution. Many of them uses [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath to help avoid missing files and the like. However, Recently I added another project, but for some ...
Paulo Santos's user avatar
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When building a Xamarin.iOS app, why is there a Distribution provisioning profile match for a Developer Signing Identity?

I have a project file where the Debug|iPhoneSimulator configuration has this: <CodesignKey>iPhone Developer</CodesignKey> <CodesignProvision>Automatic</CodesignProvision> ...
CShark's user avatar
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dotnet test command not finding Microsoft.TextTemplating.targets

I have this line inside my csproj <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TextTemplating\Microsoft.TextTemplating.targets" /> But ...
Daniel R's user avatar
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Documentation for MSBuild Errors

Is there any documentation pertaining to specific MSBuild errors? I searched the web but couldn't locate anything. I am looking for documentation that would explain what is the import of a specific ...
Vinod's user avatar
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`msbuild` of `vcxproj` in Release configuration is referencing Debug runtime

I have a simple C project which warps a x64 MASM project. When this builds in Release configuration the resulting dll still references VCRUNTIME140D.dll and VCRUNTIME140_1D.dll which I understand are ...
BJury's user avatar
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msbuild command is coping all the non required folder to out path of another folder

i have a monolith solution that has 2 kinds of projects: running of 4.8 .net framework running on 3.1 .net core for projects running on 4.8 has output path is "c:\product" for a project ...
Sandhya Ratan's user avatar
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NSwag start the .NET 8 API Project in Command="$(NSwagExe_Net80) run NSwag.json /variables:Configuration=$(Configuration)"

In the Dotnet API project, recently we are upgradign .NET version from 6 to 8. In the new version of the application, in the nswag.json file "documentGenerator" engine is changed from "...
R.A 1's user avatar
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