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Questions tagged [dotnet-publish]

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How do I run npm build as part of dotnet publish

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 web project, where the client source code lives in a client folder. I also have an npm run build that will compile those client files, and copy the output to the wwwroot ...
mortenbock's user avatar
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dotnet publish command takes too long to execute for a console application

I am working on two source code file (say, file A.cs and B.cs) console application, where file A has some common classes and a main method, which calls a method in file B. I have a basic .csproj file, ...
Anks404's user avatar
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.NET Publish in Azure Pipelines overwrites first publish on second run

I have the following code in azure-pipelines.yml to publish 2 projects: trigger: branches: include: - main pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' steps: - task: UseDotNet@2 displayName: '...
Josh Brunton's user avatar
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How to remove the extra runtimes created by the .NET SDK CLI publish command

I am learning .NET SDK CLI tools for building dotnet software written in C#. Here i am using .NET SDK CLI x64 running on .NET 8 on Windows 10 I have created a simple console command line project ...
Rahul.In's user avatar
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How to write batch files correctly for publication Adding different precompiled macros during .NET programming?

I have the following code: #if PC var rootPath = Path.Combine("dist"); #else var rootPath = Path.Combine(@"/bin/bash"); #endif I want to write different batch files when ...
MM丶's user avatar
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Publish WinUi 3 application as single file does not work for unpacked application?

I have a WinUi 3 (c#)solution that contains 3 projects: A, B, C. A: main application(exe) depends on B,C. B: dll project depends on C. c: dll project. Now I like to build the solution as a unpacked ...
Ming's user avatar
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Trouble escaping double quotes in Azure pipelines DotNetCoreCLI task

I'm trying to publish my .NET web app using the somewhat new built-in container support for the .NET SDK. In order to set the container image tags I need to pass a parameter in the arguments. This ...
Johan B's user avatar
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In .NET 8, trying to build a CLI program with dotnet publish

I’m using dotnet publish to build a CLI program called showperms. It runs, but not if I copy the executable by itself to somewhere else, such as to /usr/local/bin/. It needs one or more other files ...
silvalli's user avatar
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Error Publishing with /p:PublishSingleFile=true Flag with .NET Core 3.1 WPF project

I have a .NET Core 3.1 WPF Project. I get this error - what does the "with the same BundleRelativePath" mean? C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\7.0.300-preview.23122.5\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\...
研小艾's user avatar
3 votes
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Publish a nuget in Github Packages using an Application Installation Token

I am trying to publish a Nuget package for an organization in Github using dotnet publish. We are planning publish packages from a Github actions from a repository in one organisation to the packages ...
Pablo Cibraro's user avatar
2 votes
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Dockerise ASP.NET Core app with Alpine image

I want my dockerised ASP.NET Core 7 app based on Alpine (not ASP.NET Core Runtime). MyApp.csproj contains: <PublishSingleFile>true</PublishSingleFile> <RuntimeIdentifier>linux-musl-...
lonix's user avatar
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Azure Pipelines with dotnet publish fails finding apphost.exe

While publishing an application on azure pipelines, I encounter the following problem. /opt/hostedtoolcache/dotnet/sdk/6.0.412/Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(5097,5): error MSB3030: Could not ...
Nicolas Pierre's user avatar
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What is the difference in publishing dotnet apps for ubuntu using specific ubuntu RIDs instead of non-distribution specific linux-x64?

What difference does it make, if any, publishing a dotnet application for ubuntu using, say, dotnet publish [...] -r ubuntu.20.04 instead of dotnet publish [...] -r linux-x64 Performance tweaks, ...
Veverke's user avatar
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.NET 6.0 x86 app doesn't set registry key successful

We want to set the OnlyUseLatestCLR registry key with a .NET 6.0 app. This app will run on both x86 and x64 machines and the machines won't have .NET 6 installed. So we publish this app as single file ...
Weiwei's user avatar
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Using a .NET7 project how to pass in ContainerEnvironmentVariable parameter via command line for the donet publish command?

With .NET7 we can use the dotnet publish command to build a docker container. How do you pass in environment variables via the command line? You can use the following to build the container and ...
lymberazo's user avatar
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