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Questions tagged [meta]

Meta elements are the HTML or XHTML <meta … > element used to provide structured metadata about a Web page. DO NOT USE this tag for questions about Stack Overflow; post these on instead.

0 votes
0 answers

Unable to Add New People to Roles in Meta Live App

enter image description hereI am currently experiencing an issue with my Meta Live app where I am unable to see the "Add People" tab under the Roles section. Steps I have taken so far: ...
11 votes
5 answers

Ordering enum value in python

I would like to be able to arrange the ordering of Enum. Has somebody suggestions how this can be solved? The following Enum meta class is using: class EnumMeta(type): def __new__(typ, name, ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How to add multiple CTA Buttons and Options in Whatsapp Meta API?

I'm building this App for which using this Meta Whatsapp API, I need to send 2 CTA buttons, but currently stuck on 1. In Addition to this, I also need to add 1 "reply" button, any ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to give Prefilled Options in Meta Whatsapp API

I want to know how can we send some prefilled options in our Meta Whatsapp Template? This is my template which contains of 1 RadioButtons and 2 Checkboxes, I made this using "flow" (...
0 votes
1 answer

Facebook Developer Portal UseCases menu item missing for Facebook Test App

in the Facebook Developer Portal I created a new Facebook app, and enabled the Facebook Login as use-case. Now from that Facebook app I created a clone so I also have a Facebook TEST app, where I ...
-1 votes
0 answers

How to send Url using Whatsapp Meta API?

I'm trying to send a message which opens a given URL when we click on the button. I've made a template as well on the meta official developers page, but its taking too long to send, approximately 50-...
-6 votes
1 answer

which meta tags are used by google and bing search [closed]

I am working on an mvc web application, and i am using a web templete that have the following metadata:- <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="...
0 votes
0 answers

Unable to get a valid response from Instagram Basic Display API

I'm using the Instagram Basic Display API and since a few days I'm getting the "Unsupported request - method type" error. My APP is Live, and validated from Meta since several years. I tried ...
3 votes
2 answers

Update user meta after woocommerce checkout form process

I am using woocommerce with Wordpress and have added some custom fields to the checkout: add_action('woocommerce_after_order_notes', 'my_custom_checkout_field'); function my_custom_checkout_field( $...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I change the xlim on a forest plot produced by meta package

I am using the meta package to run a meta-analysis and produce forest plots. I have several different datasets and each is producing a forest plot with different scales on the x-axis. I am trying to ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to fix the error data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1?

I am trying to perform a egger's test with the following function: eggers.test<-function(data){data<-data eggers<-metabias(data) intercept<-as.numeric(eggers$estimate[1]) intercept<-...
394 votes
8 answers

What is "X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff"?

I am doing some penetration testing on my localhost with OWASP ZAP, and it keeps reporting this message: The Anti-MIME-Sniffing header X-Content-Type-Options was not set to 'nosniff' This ...
8 votes
3 answers

Title and Meta tags not rendering in angular SSR in server

I have developed a website using Angular 6 in the frontend. By default Angular is not SEO friendly, so in order to do that, I implemented it in the way of Angular-Universal or Angular SSR (Server Side ...
0 votes
1 answer

Posts not being returned in Wordpress search filter

I'm writing a Wordpress query to filter search results. I want to remove results using the templates logged_in_mentor_only_template.php, logged_in_only_template.php (and also from two restricted ...
2 votes
2 answers

$post_id or $post->ID in wordpress meta box construction

Can someone explain why when creating meta boxes the callback needs the post id to be passed via $post->ID, however with the action hook 'save_post', the function can pass $post_id. A general ...

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